Source: Taiwan United Daily

Author: Tang Shaocheng

Munich Safety Conference (MSC) is a private foundation. Since 1963, it will hold a conference in Munich every February every year.However, it is not published after the meeting, and it is purely forum nature.

It has been nearly a year since the Russia and Ukraine War, which is the main issue of the Munan Association.This time, a total of 96 countries attended, of which 40 countries and government heads of state, most of them were Western allies in Ukraine, but Russia was excluded.The US Vice President Harris led about 60 participating members to attend, which is a huge.

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The opening of Ukraine President Zernezki can be called the conference. The point is that it is expected that countries to strengthen assistance.The German Prime Minister and the French President followed up to continue to aid Ukraine on the one hand, but they were reluctant to increase the war to prevent Europe from falling into the sea of fire.

President Macron also believes that he should listen to the views of non -Western representatives and further understand Russia, and the posture is relatively soft.However, in terms of diplomacy, all parties are helpless because both Russia and Ukraine refuse to compromise.One of the characteristics of this time is that there are a large number of non -Western countries, and most of them only expect the war to end early and refuse to choose the side station.Some people have pointed out that if there is a war in the Taiwan Strait, the United States will scattered its power to help Wu, so the issues on both sides of the strait have also received considerable attention.

In this regard, Wang Yi, the top leader of China's foreign policy, said in the meeting that China will adhere to peaceful dialogue and put forward a peaceful plan, which is also supported by representatives of Germany and Ukraine.However, Ukraine Foreign Minister Coraba said that the negotiation of any damage to the territory has set up difficulties for the peace plan.

In addition, Wang Yi also expressed his position in Taiwan, reiterated the core interests involved in China, and required countries to abide by the "one China principle".In particular, the Taiwan independence forces threatened China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, and China must have a strong response.The US Secretary of State Brills and Wang Yi also met at the sidelines, especially before the balloon incident was over, and it was even more noticeable.Wang Yi also accused the United States that shot down the balloon violating international rules, and the United States just wanted to use this to disperse the attention of domestic problems.

U.S. Vice President Harris also warned that if China supports Russia, it will fundamentally change US -China relations.However, President Biden was dressed as a white face. He emphasized before the meeting that Mu'an would be regarded as a prelude to further dialogue in the United States and China. He also wanted to call Xi Jinping recently.Show.

In summary, this Mu'an meeting is a conference that united Russia in Western countries, but because of the long -term Russia and Ukraine, it is necessary to support Ukraine for principles, but this is like a bottomless hole.Therefore, the role of non -Western countries is valued, but most countries have refused to choose.Among them, the Russian -Uhehe plan proposed by China has been valued, and it clearly shows the helplessness and embarrassment of Western countries.If the Western countries do not make a refund on the Taiwan issue, Mainland China will not travel to the muddy waters of the Russian and Ukraine War.However, the United States continues to increase on the Taiwan issue, which shows that the Russian and Ukraine war will be carried out for some time.

The author is the dean of the Taiwan Asia -Pacific Institute of Comprehensive Research