Source: Hong Kong 01 Society

Twenty -year -old young people know that there are not many disks. Ten -year -old young people should have no chance to use USB fingers.The world has entered the cloud era for more than ten years.If you are unconscious for a few years, you will find that many things are much more convenient to wake up now, and it is more in line with our needs and intuition.

Google search device has the nickname of "Google Great God". We are glad to find the information more convenient than the book. The content is more than the library.However, artificial intelligence goes further. The process of turning the webpage, screening data, and organizing digestion is now done for a few seconds.Although Microsoft's ChatGPT or Google's Bard will answer wrong questions, sometimes answering questions, but according to the development path of artificial intelligence, the difficulties we raised soon will inevitably be answered faster and more conveniently.

For us as a media, this technology is even more disruptive.It will change the habit of getting information for the public, and it can also change the operating model of the media.As long as we know how to use and control artificial intelligence, we will get more and better information in the future.It is as if academic personnel can make good use of artificial intelligence instead of plagiarizing plagiarism, I believe it can produce richer research results.

Technology itself is neutral, and even without real culprits.When a person says it is technology, we will not know what he actually does.Artificial intelligence includes a variety of technologies, applying the ability to analyze data on the search device and chat robot, which has become a technological technology at the information level.Stringing technology has not appeared recently, but it was not until Netflix used it to broadcast movies, and the potential subversion capabilities of streaming broke out.Compared with the lease of a video disc, the nature of the streaming platform is more in line with the popular form of life at any time and anywhere. Enterprises can provide richer choices due to the improvement of the economy economy.The video disc company is the first, and there are countless liquidation. The cinema must improve the audiovisual enjoyment. The competitors of the TV station suddenly became the world and were forced to the world.In Hong Kong, Cable TV is not only grabbing ratings with TVB and VIUTV, but also more attractive than film and television works from Britain, America, Japan,, South Korea and Thailand, and can retain the audience.

Chuangke economy is dilapidated and promotes the new society

The operation of TV is becoming more and more difficult, and transformation becomes necessary.This is not to say that the TV is already at the back of the step disk, and the streaming is the cloud.Instead, the original ecology was disrupted by innovative technology, and progress is a necessary condition to stay.Xiong Peter is optimistic. Although creative destruction is destructive, it is always creative. The market is also dilapidated and new, and the progress of society is promoted.

premise is that technology has continued to improve and the economy is constantly innovating.

The Hong Kong government has attached great importance to Chuangke in recent years.Or it should be said that it has not attached great importance to Chuangke in recent years.At that time, after the Bubble of the Kebang bubble and the digital port were not available, Chuangke had never received much attention in Hong Kong.Ten years ago, we had independently developed electric vehicles, but we could not afford many ripples.Tencent, Ali, Baidu, and DJI ran out in the Mainland. Facebook, Amazon, Google, and Apple were expanded from the United States to the world. Hong Kong is not only onlookers., Hold away, unfortunately, the old economy and old model that is replaced and destroyed.

Today in the 21st century, China and the United States were fighting a war without smoke.Everyone knows, whoever master the chip technology will lead the future economic development.TSMC in Taiwan, Samsung in South Korea, and Aismore in the Netherlands are the targets that the United States wants to win.In this battle of soldiers, Hong Kong was just standing again.

Taiwan and South Korea have only developed in the 1970s and 1980s, and they are also four Asian dragons as Hong Kong.Today, TSMC and Samsung are steadily occupying the global market, but it is not easy for Hong Kong to count as high -end output.If there are not many people in Hong Kong, Singapore, one of the four small dragons, is measured from multiple standards to be the most smart cities in the world.Their economic GDP has also surpassed Hong Kong since 2017. It has achieved curve overtaking with a small population and no advantage in China.And we even touched the non -parking payment service. The electronic consumer coupons are still low -tech and are not targeted, let alone set up the unified processing of the data bureau and protect the public's personal information.

Once upon a time, Hong Kong's science and technology advanced, and economic innovation promoted social progress.The television broadcasting company established in the 1960s quickly walked from black and white to color, from foreign programs to output local production.The telecommunications company that appeared in the 1980s introduced new technologies again and again, which made Hong Kong walk in the forefront of Asia or even the forefront of the world.But the story under the Lion Rock stayed in the last century. There was no second plastic flower factory in Hong Kong to become multinational companies.Why did Gao Yan return to the Chinese University to cultivate the next generation in 70, but the next generation seems to have lost the spirit of innovation?

Ending from the end of the rental economy, the loss of the year

It is not a generation of people who lose innovation, but our economic structure has lost a generation.The property prices in Hong Kong have risen in the past two decades, far exceeding the level of price rise.From the first day of entering the society, young people have to be embarrassed for the later residence.Even if there are multiple money, it is reminded to spend more value on the brick.In fact, they are not talking about value preservation, but appreciation.As long as it is a few years, the price of the property will be high as the water rises.Most people were informed like this, and the media introduced one example of "getting on the car" after another.Real Estate has become an ideological form of the era, and it is even a belief. Government officials also respect the so -called home business stairs with waves. With a little wind blowing grass, they maintain the market. The bubbles cannot be broken.Under such an economic structure, people who are willing to start a business are a minority of society, and it is even more rare to spend money and innovation to solve problems and improve efficiency.Hong Kong is not a lack of money, but a large amount of capital is tied to the property market firmly, and the economy has lost live water at other levels.

I don't know when it starts, the vitality of society is no longer, it becomes conservative and afraid of risks.The government is a karma that only understands the industry, keeps real estate, and the financial industry.But without innovative jobs and products, who can buy one brick and a tile?No new enterprise comes out, where is the need for financing?GEM has become a pool of dead water, and I don't know how the Li family's government can activate.There are a lot of innovation companies in the motherboard, but there are not many Hong Kong people who have worked hard.The policy report promises to increase funding and take the lead in investing. It is believed that the fiscal budget will give more funds.But if it is not just supporting Jianglong or making wedding clothes for others, the government must always do it from the economic and social structure to reverse the conservative character caused by the rental economy.Especially the new crown epidemic has just passed. Soon after the Hong Kong and the Mainland cleared, property prices and rental have risen again.If we repeat the same mistakes, it will not only lose another twenty years, but it is also impossible to integrate into the country's pursuit of high -quality and high value -added development.

Hong Kong, as a bridgehead of the country, has a huge opportunity.But now it is no longer a hundred years ago. 5G has become popular. Big data has become a factor in production. Artificial intelligence is replacing repeated processes. The blockchain will rewrite the Internet ecology.The most proud Toyota Motor in Japan is also developing smart cities. It is understood that only "one generation and one industry" can survive.The way of success in Hong Kong's last century cannot be repeated today.

The development of Hong Kong has been delayed for 20 years.Attribution to politics, regardless of whether the opposition is disrupted in Hong Kong or democratic politics has not yet been implemented, it is just a kind of political correctness.Our economic and social structure will not be resolved by the opposition's extinction or the implementation of dual universal elections.On Wednesday's fiscal budget, there are multiple consumer coupons, or raising gaming taxes and tobacco taxes, and cannot release the potential of society.We need a thorough administration reform, so that citizens dare to innovate without burdens and be brave.Five years and ten years later, Hong Kong is not difficult to foresee in leading the world's changes or being eliminated in the big transformation.Can Li Jiachao do so much?<<<