Source: Taiwan United Daily News

Taichung Mayor Lu Xiuyan connects the eight counties and cities in the Central Province to launch the Central Taiwan regional governance platform.The eight counties and cities are lined up in one word, and women are the first and occupy six seats.All walks of life focused on Lu Xiuyan's election of presidents, hidden the situation of the 2024 election; Lu Xiuyan said that he hoped that the media would focus on the China Taiwan governance platform.

The Central Taiwan Regional Governance Platform began to promote it when Hu Zhiqiang served as the mayor of Taichung; Lin Jialong expanded to call for Changhua, Nantou, and Miaoli to participate. The leader also hoped that Xu Lin Jialong played the role of the Chinese Taiwan leader.When Lu Xiuyan's first mayor, he further invited Hsinchu County, Yunlin County, and Chiayi City to join. This session, plus the Hsinchu City of Hsinchu, has become the area of seven million people and the area of governance.Regional governance platform, the new leader of China Taiwan is even more moved.

About a week ago, in North Taiwan, Beibei Tao Tao held a cooperation and exchange platform meeting through the Pingxi Sky Lantern Festival. It was also interpreted by the outside world as the city of New Taipei Mayor Hou Youyi to integrate Lanying County and City in the north and creating a united momentum.In South Taiwan, Cai Yingwen inspected the drought on the 13th and instructed the sharing and dispatching water resources through regional governance. Kaohsiung Mayor Chen Qimai reported in a face -to -face report that South Gao Ping will hold a conference on the southern governance platform in March.In order to see that the China Taiwan governance platform expanded from four counties and cities to eight counties and cities, Chen Qimai was busy on the 17th. In addition to the southern high screen, the southern governance platform was also included in Chiayi County, Penghu and Taitung.Do not lose Taiwan.

Chiayi County and City form a comparison here.In addition to participating in the governance platform of China and Taiwan, Huang Minhui, mayor of Blue Camp Chiayi, also shows that as long as regional cooperation can be promoted and mutual prosperous, they are willing to participate.Weng Zhangliang, the head of Chiayi County, Green Camp, belongs to South Taiwan with Chiayi County and refused to participate in the China Taiwan governance platform.In fact, in the past, Nantou County and Miaoli County, which were in charge of the Lan Camp, have participated in the regional governance platform called by Lin Jialong. They do not care about the promotion of Lin Jialong.Similar to Chen Qimai's "platform".However, the high walls of Green Camp blocked the well -being of Chiayi County.

This is the development of Taiwan's regional governance for a long time, but it is not effective, intermittently, and can not cross the barriers of political parties.If regional governance is set up due to people, natural persons go to political interest; if the local princes only want to circle the land as the king and grow the momentum, naturally ignore the effectiveness and sustainability of regional governance;Targets have also replaced regional cooperation and well -being of the people.

However, this time Lu Xiuyan expressed a major focus of the regional governance platform: the central government of the Taiwan government, weak local government forces, only unity can the central government attach importance to local opinions and needs. Politics is a moment.Unity and cooperation are forever.In fact, the Tsai government not only concentrates, but also moves towards authoritarianism. It is aimed at local autonomy; just like the regulations for coal production formulated by Lin Jialong City, they were announced by the central government to be invalid by the central government.The central government is targeted at. If the local chief pushes, the citizens' participation and local governance are trampled, and the referendum in Keelung City will be confiscated like this.

Ironically, Cai Yingwen proposed regional joint governance before taking office in 2016. However, after the DPP fell in 2018, the central government faced the Lan Camp places, including infrastructure construction, energy and environmental protection policies.The Chief of the Blue Camp has gained or struggled. Since then, the Cai government is still afraid of local autonomy, and it is also interested in regional governance.

From global urban competitiveness to many central and local headache issues, such as transportation, environmental protection, epidemic prevention, economics, education, youth, residential, water resources and other policiesCoordination should be better solved through regional governance.The alliance of the princes may affect 2024, and regional governance is related to local autonomy, citizen's empowerment and the well -being of the people.Regional governance has been done, and the central government also shared the performance of governance, and why can't the princes worry find the election?