Thinking Space

Recently, when I remembered statistics on the distribution of data, the lecturer called students who liked to drink coffee to raise their hands. I raised it.Then he called to raise his hands who did not like to drink coffee, and then calculated it as an example. He summarized more than 60 students in the class.I have always been afraid of losing in class. I often sit in the front row, and I did n’t go back to see which students raised their hands, so I asked the lecturer to say it.

In fact, the lecturer wants to say that unless the event to be discussed is that there are only two results: winning or losing, and the distribution of general conclusions should not be just the extremes: positive or anti -, black and white.

It may be the patience of modern people who lack in -depth thinking, or maybe the world is becoming more and more complicated, so it is difficult to make it clear, so everyone is used to simplifying the result of many things into the positive and negative sides without controversy.And discussing gray zone.Such simplification can greatly reduce the complexity of thinking, making it easier for people to understand and accept information.In order to strive for more fans faster, many public opinion currently develops in two polarizations regardless of national or small things.This trend is worrying.

polarization can easily ignore people's views and facts, and reduce people's understanding of the comprehensiveness and complexity of problems.The so -called "gathered in the class, people are divided by group", humans are group creatures, and they also like to be like -minded.If each group only pays attention to its own position, stubborn and unwilling to accept the views of others, it will lead to a blind point of view. In severe cases, it will cause groups, society, and the country to split.Looking at many countries at present, it is not alarmist due to political polarization.

The world's power hegemony is currently dominant, regardless of politics, economy, military, and diplomacy, forcing the small country to choose the side station everywhere.Politicians do not have to hurt their brains. They only choose to choose the future of the country with obvious interests in front of their eyes.However, it is not easy to maintain a balance between politicians in the complex international struggle and survive independently and neutrality.Because you do n’t choose the wisdom and vision of governing the country, you must also persuade and win the confidence of the people.

Small countries should try to keep the open information channel as much as possible, so that the authenticity, neutral and different views of many parties can get the opportunity to express equality on the appropriate platform.Another point is to improve the ability and quality of Chinese people to digest media information through education, in order to distinguish and discuss public opinion prejudice from various information channels.

There are many social media that are unique and lack of corporate morality now, for business interests, operating and promoting the spread of polarization.For political prejudice or increased traffic, these media tend to report news that is more controversial and attracts readers' interest, and intentionally or unintentionally create polarization of public opinion.If you really want to help readers understand the facts of fairness and balance, in addition to allowing both parties to have the opportunity to publish arguments, but also in -depth analysis and digestion of bilateral arguments, in order to put forward strong neutral sounds.This is undoubtedly a difficult task for the effort, but it is also what the responsible media should do.

In addition to the society, the country and the world, the family will also have polarization caused by political ideas, religious beliefs, and interest relationships among members.Family is the basic unit of society. Family relationships should be based on consensus, respecting each other's views and caring for each other's feelings, and promoting objective exchanges between members.Those families with economic conditions should maintain transparency in financial management, clearly determine the financial responsibilities and authority of each member, and implement the financial management rules of the family.If you can communicate and supervise the benefits of money to become the core of contradictions, you may reduce the risk of polarizing contradictions because of the fighting for family property.

There is a relaxed questionnaire program for a radio station to ask you to stand on the side. Every morning, a life problem will be issued, and then the "forced" listener will be reached by the side.This is of course just to create effects and increase conversation with the audience, but in actual life, this ignores some of the "silent" listeners.If you can't hear the third voice, it will slowly create an illusion that the audience is also polarized.

The author is an electronic engineer