Current affairs perspective

On the first day of October each year, it is the National Day of the People's Republic of China. This day, this year also coincides with China's traditional cultural festival Mid -Autumn Festival.Double sections, eight days of national long holidays, coupled with the long -lasting emotional release of the crown disease epidemic.

On this day, the New York Times opened LSquo; Golden Week RSQUO; vigorously bragging about the crackdown tourism industry, published a signature long text, reported and reviewed the Golden Week of China.The report also mentioned that when the world is still fighting coronary virus, China has no local infection confirmed cases from August 15.The article also mentioned that consumption of the Golden Week holidays every year is already a barometer to observe China's economic health.

The author called friends and relatives in the mainland to ask, and they have reported that high -speed iron tickets are difficult to find.

China officially reported that the Golden Week was not less than half, and the box office revenue of Jiang Ziya of animated films has exceeded 1 billion yuan (about S $ 200 million).A optimistic analysis predicts that the recovery of China's film industry this year, the box office revenue is expected to exceed 20 billion yuan.

Just when the Chinese people went out during the Golden Week holiday, the amazing news of the US President Trump's couple was diagnosed with coronary virus.According to reports, Trump was diagnosed shortly after conducting on -site debate with Democratic Presidential candidate Biden.

The United States is currently the only superpower in the world, and it is also the first largest country of crown diseases and the number of deaths.In addition to the raging coronary virus that is difficult to cope with, the United States has also attached to the major powers in the world such as China, Russia, etc., to conduct fierce competition in the so -called great power game; especially the battle between China and the United States is becoming increasingly fierce.In the words of the US Ambassador to China, Blanstad, the US -China relations are full of challenges; and the words of the Chinese Ambassador to the United States Cui Tiankai are the rare and difficult situations of Sino -US relations in the past 41 years.

Faced with such a difficult situation in Sino -US relations, Branstad chose to leave the office and return to the United States, while Trump said several times to completely cut off his relationship with China;EssenceAlthough Chinese President Xi Jinping did not explicitly express his statement, in a video speech on the 75th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations not long ago, it was intended to emphasize that China had no intention of conducting the Cold War and Jie Cold War with any country.

Blanstad suddenly left his absence, and the United States was conducting the presidential election, and did not announce the successor of the ambassador to China. At least it showed the behavior and intention of the United States who wanted to reduce the relationship with China.

Although US Secretary of State Pompeo on its official website, on behalf of the United States' diplomatic etiquette to the Chinese people and the 71st anniversary of the Chinese people and the 71st anniversary of China, it spares no effort to discredit the CCP around the world.Recently, it is reported that the US State Department will no longer accept the immigration application of the Communist Party of China.The Pew Research Center of the United States polls released the survey data. Americans have a favorability of China, which has fallen to a new low since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries, and the disgusting has risen to a new high of 73%.

Interestingly, I do n’t know how the current Chinese people ’s opinion of the current US and the United States’ official behavior?Although there is no survey data release, with the author's personal observation, the current favorability of the Chinese people in the United States has also dropped to a very low level, and the disgusting is probably more than Americans's dislikes to China.This is really worried about the hostility of the Chinese and American public opinion.

Once upon a time, the Chinese people used the best vocabulary developed and evolved in China for thousands of years to call the United States, calling it the United States of America.In the words of the Chinese, there is nothing more wonderful than beauty, and Li is the meaning of sharp sharpness and sharpness, and it is firm and firm.

The author has not verified why the Chinese candidates have chosen these three words. In the vast and distant fonts of the Chinese people, they use the most beautiful and auspicious characters to combine the United States, but the author is convinced by the Chinese, which largely represents a large extent.The Chinese people's favor and respect for the United States and their people.

Even the CCP, whether it has not yet mastered the Yan'an period of the central government of Mainland China, or after the establishment of diplomatic relations with the United States in 1979, which has completely mastered the central government of China, has adopted a very friendly attitude towards the US government and the people.

In fact, whether the Chinese people choose the three most wonderful words to combine the name of the United States, or the Chinese Communist Party's adoption of exchanges and friendly attitudes of the Chinese Communist Party, they are derived from the long -standing cultural traditions and beliefs of the Chinese people.In terms of the Analects of Confucius of the Chinese sage, there is a friend who comes from afar, and he is happy (Tongyue), and the use of the Asian Saint Zeng Zi, that is, he does not believe it with friends.In fact, according to the full name of American English (United States of America) and pronunciation, the Chinese People's Congress can be called the Ameryka Congress or the America.

Once upon a time, the Chinese and the Chinese Communist Party were defended by the Guardian of the Chinese Communist Party. They had a brutal bloody battle with the United States and its allies led by the United States and its allies.Dare to fight with the strongest enemy.

For the Korean War that the direct force of direct force between China and the United States, let us revisit the chairman of the then Chief of Staff of the United States (the highest position in the U.S. military) Omar Middot; Nelson Middot;General Omar Nelson Bradley) General: If we expand the war to China, we will fight a wrong war at the wrong time, the wrong place is with the wrong enemy.

In addition to the fourth mistakes of the wrong war, wrong place, error time, error time, and wrong enemies, the highest US military general also said first: Red China is not a pioneering power for dominating the world.The author also noticed that these anti -ears of General Bradley were the US President Truman, who had just lifted the UN commander of General MacArthur, who had just released the US military in the Korean War.What you say.

Xi Jinping also mentioned in a video speech on celebrating the 75th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations that China has no intention of fighting the Cold War with any country.However, the Xinhua News Agency of China is the 70th anniversary of the Chinese People's Volunteer Army's anti -US aid to the United States.

Although the news did not say that it was the 70th anniversary of the victory of the battle for going abroad, it was clearly clear that it was a clear reminder signal to commemorate the fight against the United States and aid to the North Korea.

The author is a professor of physics at the University of Hong Kong