On Sunday, the Thames reported that the Prime Minister's government at 10 Prime Minister of Tangning Street in the UK determined that the U.S. President Trump had gone and began to welcome the arrival of the Biden government.The newspaper revealed that because if the Democratic presidential candidate and former Vice President of the United States, Biden Biden entered the White House, Britain may be left out, Tangning Street has instructed the ministers to start establishing a relationship with Biden.

The newspaper said that the alert received by British Prime Minister Johnson said that Trump was facing a defeat, and his Republican Party would also lose the control of the Senate.This means that the Democratic Party will achieve historic victory. In addition to winning the presidential throne, it will also control the two hospitals at the same time.The newspaper also said that the independent polls and computer models were submitted to the Prime Minister's Palace last month that the probability of Biden's victory was as high as 70%.Nowadays, the leading gap between Biden has expanded to double -digit, and one of the prediction models formed by the results of the polls released on the weekend will set the possibility of Biden Sato 85%.

I. The Trump era is about to end, and the Republican Party will pay the price for Yuzhong Trump.

In recent years, the Republican Party has rely on Trump to obtain regime. The possible decline in the next step will also be because it is too foolish.

Donald Middot; Trump joined the Republican Party in 2012.

A few years ago, the Republican Party was mainly due to the US regime by the Republican Party: First, the Republican Basic Capital is rapid population. This part of the ticket warehouse can only be held by people like Trump;Who else can the Republican Party win power?Third, Trump's ability to condense votes exceeded other candidates, so that the Republican Party can only accept reality.Fourth, the Gold Lord of the Republican Party does not exclude the populist power of Trump.

Trump does not represent the Republican Party. In recent years, the Republican Party uses Trump and Trump also uses the Republican Party. Their combination is entirely a political marriage.

In the capitalist social system, many disadvantages and problems can be covered up.However, once a major state of the country occurs, many disadvantages and problems of the state system can be leaked one by one. After the leakage out, the selfishness of capital, the selfishness of political parties, and the selfishness of politicians are all kinds of evil circles, because becauseEveryone is taking care of their own core interests.

In recent years, the Republican parties have more loyal loyalty to Trump.They lack more profound political strategies and higher political parties.The mediocre of their political party strategies and abilities is their current situation.

After Trump steps down, the Republican Party will enter a trough of at least a few years.The American people will make the failure, absurdity, loss of national governance in the Trump era, and the loss of the decline, extreme, status and image of the country, and more or less into the power and no one of the Republican Party.The Republican Party comes to power because of Trump and will also pay the price for Yuzhong Trump.

2. The chaos of the United States in the world will improve, and the United States will enter for a period of self -reflection and self -restoration.

In the past two years, especially this year, the chaos in the United States has been clustered, and the tear brought to the world is also particularly huge.Especially in the past six months,

The world suffers from pain, tearing, panic, stun, and uneasiness because of this businessman who is fully cared for their campaign interests.In order to seek personal re -election, Trump's punching elections caused far -reaching damage to the United States and the world.The main damage president of the United States can be attributed to the following points:

The first is to tear up various groups and agreements to destroy the cornerstone of peace and stability in the United States and the world.

The second is to re -election and provoke domestic racial and populist to sacrifice domestic unity in the United States.

The third is to re -election the supreme epidemic prevention and control loss, and to create American society and economy.

Fourth, failure should deal with the epidemic, roughly control domestic riots, and the pride and glory of the United States are no longer.

The fifth is to intensify the Chinese and American powers against election to attack China, challenge the hostility of the American people to China, and sacrifice the most important relationship between China and the United States in the world.

Sixth, tear the global industrial chain, so that many multinational companies, including major US companies, have become cannon fodder worsening relations with major powers.

After the election, the United States may reflect deeply.The possibility of reflection and strategic adjustment in the United States is very high.Trump has indeed hit the United States in the past two years and the epidemic. Under the leadership of Biden, the United States will deeply reflect and review the behavior and problems of the United States in recent years.The US global policy may return to the Obama era and will pay more attention to allies.The previous article published by Kissinger believes that the epidemic will reshape the global pattern. I hope that the United States will take this opportunity to deeply reflect on the current problems that already exist and make comprehensive reforms to cope with the new world pattern.Don't underestimate the United States. After suffering major setbacks, the recovery and adjustment ability cannot be ignored.

Third, the general election may have controversy in Trump, but it is difficult for Trump to shake the U.S. election transfer system. There may be a large voting gap that Trump will quickly accept the facts.The so -called election leads to the collapse of the United States. The national system is not so fragile, and don't look at Trump's energy too high.

The cover report of the November issue of the November issue of the Great Western Month of the American Magazine entitled a heavy report that might cause the election of the United States to collapse.The author is Barton Gellman, a well -known investigation reporter in the United States.After the prediction of the prediction election, there will be a huge chaos in the United States, and Trump may not admit that the defeat is not accepted or stepped down.Barton Middot; Garman revealed the various crises of the 2020 US presidential election with detailed interviews and analysis, and drawn a thrilling map of how the United States will be taken to the edge of the cliff.After the report was launched, it caused a strong response in the United States.

Gelman believes that unless Trump has a legal victory in the election group, we know all his understanding of him, and he will refuse to accept failure and use all the tools he has mastered to revoke this result.Trump will have a lot of choices to maintain the suspicion of the result mdash; MDASH; on the court, on the street, in the election group, and in Congress.The subtext he made is lsquo; no one knows who wins.The most significant risk is that Trump will ask the Republican allies in the battlefield to appoint Trump's electorate regardless of the results.He said that he was afraid that Trump had such power. As long as he got the moderate help from the Republican election officials, he could make the election results be suspicious, and almost unlimitedly made it unreasonable.On how to solve this issue, the existing law is a maze full of dead alleys.It is very likely that there will be a situation where two people are sworn in on January 20 next year, so the chaotic candidates and chiefs will be the same person.Gelman suggested that readers first realize that challenges outside the Constitution are likely to come, and they should not consider this election in traditional ways.Garman believes that the mailing votes of timeout statistics will be the core of the competition after the selection.

The author believes that Galman's article is not predicted in essence. In essence, it is to be achieved, and the effect that can already be achieved is to eliminate this possibility of Trump in advance.This article is essentially not a chance to leave Trump on the stage.

According to the United States Constitution and Law, if there is controversy in the presidential election, the US military will not participate. The US courts and the meeting will solve this problem. The military has no effect in the process.According to reports from the United States CNN (CNN) on September 25, Mark Middot, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the U.S. Staff; Mily made a clear explanation of the Pentagon's position when he believed in parliament last month.Milly said that the United States' constitution and laws, as well as states, formulated a process of holding the presidential election and resolving the controversy of the election results, and the U.S. military did not participate in this process.Milly said that according to the law, if there are disputes in some aspects of the election, the US courts and Congress should resolve disputes, not the military.Milly emphasized that the U.S. military will not play any role during the election.U.S. Department of Defense spokesman BrookoT; Devolt also told CNN on the 24th that the Ministry of Defense did not play a role in the process of power transfer after the presidential election.

The U.S. army did not participate in the transfer of power after the presidential election, and it clearly stated that Trump wanted to use the possibility of the army that had previously controlled the army to support him.

At the same time, the results of the US elections are likely to be that the two houses of Trump and the Republican Party will lose the election. The Republican Party after losing the election will be lost.Essence

Without the support of the army, without the support of the two houses of the Congress, the personal energy of Trump, a businessman who has some support and a great opposition, wants to challenge the U.S. country that has never been chaotic.Too overestimated Trump.

Fourth, China wants to plan with Biden's new United States, the two houses led by the Democratic Party, creating a new and friendly relations between China and the United States, making cooperation a mainstream, making competition more benign, and making the Cold War that is impossible.

Before the United States election, you have a punch between China and the United States. Don't be linked to the dignity of the country. Don't compete with the Chinese and American powers. Don't be linked to the long -term relationship between China and the United States.One dynasty and the ministers, the United States changed people, and the United States and China can put everything from the predecessor Trump.

Under the leadership of Biden, the US global policy may return to the Obama era, and getting along with China may also be more converged with the Obama period.China must also distinguish the Republican and Democratic Party.Be prepared to deal with the new US government led by Biden.At the same time, the Republican Party that steps down will also reflect on the gains and losses of Trump in recent years. Some of the excessive extreme behaviors will also be reviewed and may be converged together. At the same timeNo longer continue to work.The new president and the New Congress will reduce a lot of extreme awareness and extreme behavior, which is of great benefit to the promotion of better and wider cooperation between China and the United States to promote better and wider cooperation between the two countries.

At the same time, in the past two years, American companies have been the cannon fodder of the relationship between the two countries. The desire to develop and develop is strong. Most American companies are waiting for the presidential substitution government to change.Biden and the Democratic Party also came to power on the support of many American companies. This mutual support will promote the US policy towards the United States more conducive to seeking a more stable world situation and more conducive to global cooperation and global development.Promotion of the situation.

The end of the Trump era will usher in a more familiar United States all over the world. We can see what the United States in the United States of Clinton, Bush, and Obama looks like, so the United States in the Bayeng period will be more like them, and it will definitely be like them.Not like the Trump era.

Although Trump was nicknamed Sichuan, the founding of Sichuan was stepped down in just one, and it also reflected the ability of the general self -reflection and correction of the United States.

Author: Peng Shengyu

Researcher at the Chahar Society, Special Researcher of the International Financial Forum (IFF) Research Institute, and strategic researcher of oil central enterprises