After a year, Chinese fans finally saw the live broadcast of the American Professional Basketball League (NBA) on CCTV.CCTV's restoration of the live NBA competition not only made the majority of Chinese fans full of eyes, but also added a little warmth to Sino -US relations that were caught in the cold winter.

CCTV lived the fifth game of the NBA Finals the day before.After four quarters, the heat wave team led by Jimmy Butler defeated the Lakers led by LeBron James with a three -point advantage to drag the finals into the sixth game today.

For Chinese fans, one year after the NBA event of the TV live, it was very enjoyable to enjoy the exciting NBA finals through a large TV screen.As for why CCTV was banned from broadcasting the NBA events, it seems that it does not seem to have suddenly announced the lifting of the ban.

In October last year, Daryl morey, the general manager of the Houston Rockets, which Chinese star Yao Ming played, pushed the saying: fight for freedom, with Hong Kong (Stand with Hongkong).In the context of Hong Kong's depression at that time, the tweet that obviously supported the Hong Kong opposition caused strong dissatisfaction in Chinese officials and society.

However, the NBA refused to apologize or punish Mo Lei.With the fermentation of the incident, the Chinese Consulate General in Houston asked the Rockets to negotiate. The Chinese Basketball Association announced the suspension of exchanges and cooperation with the Houston Club.Specific NBA broadcast.

A year has passed.Although some Chinese commercial websites are still broadcasting the NBA events, CCTV's live broadcast is missing, and the profit of the NBA in China has shrunk significantly.At the same time, as a symbol of American cultural, the influence of the NBA in China has also declined significantly.

But this is not a unilateral loss of NBA.CCTV has lived on the NBA events for more than 30 years and has trained several generations of Chinese fans.It is no exaggeration to say that there may be more fans such as James and other NBA superstars in China than in the United States.You cannot watch the NBA events through television, and the loss of many Chinese fans can also be imagined.

Before the NBA finals to the fifth game this year, the matter finally ushered in a turnaround.On October 9th, a spokesman for the Central Radio and Television Station said that basketball has a wide range of mass foundations and fans' viewing needs in China. CCTV Sports Channel has resumed the NBA competition on the morning of October 10 as a normal broadcast arrangement.

As for the reasons for the restart, the spokesman said that in the Chinese National Day Mid -Autumn Festival, the NBA just expressed festival blessings to the majority of Chinese fans.We also noticed the goodwill that the NBA has continued to express for a while, especially since the beginning of this year, the NBA has made positive efforts in supporting the Chinese people's anti -new crown pneumonia epidemic.

In a word, CCTV finally re -broadcast the NBA event.This may mean that if there is no accident, in addition to the finals of the season, CCTV will also broadcast the next NBA season, Chinese merchants may gradually recover the sponsorship of the NBA.

Under the situation of the deterioration of Sino -US relations, CCTV, representing the official position, suddenly re -broadcast NBA events, obviously not a decision to make CCTV itself.There should be greater political considerations behind it.

However, the response of the China Public Opinion Field's response to CCTV's restoration NBA events is not all of them.While most fans expressed their affirmation, some people also questioned that the NBA has not apologized for Mo Lei's remarks so far.

This question is obviously unlimited.In the final analysis, the NBA is not a political organization. It is mainly sought after by fans of different countries by organizing the world's highest level of basketball events.Some of its political remarks of criminal offense of a group have nothing to do with the NBA.Moreover, CCTV banned the NBA for one year, and More's losses brought by the Rockets and NBAs were not small.

In fact, NBA stars often fall into some political wars in the United States.U.S. President Trump has just accused James of the Democratic Party, but how many fans can there be rejecting to watch the James game?

Regardless of how much controversy, CCTV's re -broadcast NBA competition is a good thing to be praised for NBA, Chinese fans, merchants, and cultural exchanges between China and the United States.