Author: Liu Yanting

Source: Hong Kong 01

In the early morning of October 6, local time, a burst of fire came out of the White House of Gilgis Presidential Palace. The riot people accompanied the flames and ranged around in the house.Almazbek Atambayev has gained freedom under the rescue of the people, and Bishkek, the capital of the Gekuo, was trapped in the turbulence of a multi -carriage.

This riots started in the parliamentary election of October 4: 16 political parties fight for 120 parliamentary seats. In the end, only unity of the party, Kyrgyz, my motherland, the Kyrgyz Party, and Unified Gilgis Party, successfully broke the 7%of the party's voting rate threshold, Divide the seats.However, among the four parties, except for the end of the Gilgis Party, which won the last position and won 13 seats, the rest were the forces of Priest Sooronbay Jeenbekov. The opposition was almost overwhelmed.Such an overwhelming result has stimulated the turmoil.

From October 5th, more than 5,000 opposition supporters poured into Ala-Too Square in Bishkak's Ala-Too Square to protest the results of the election.Although the demonstrations were driven away by tear gas and water cannon, they came back by night. They staged the political crickets of the occupation of government agencies, overthrowing the results of the election, and release of the former president and senior officials.

As of October 11, Prime Minister Kubatbek Boronov and Parliament Speaker Dastan Jumabekov had announced his resignation.Atta Middot; Mecken Socialist Party (ATA Meken) leaders such as the party leader and other opposition forces were questioned; President Ji Enkov, who was reduced to the focus of siege, reproduced the rivers and lakes after the disappearance of the disappearance, and ordered the army to enter the capital to maintain order.Bishkak also entered an emergency state on October 10th and implemented a curfew; Adantbayev was arrested again on October 10 after escape the attack of a car bomb.

The riots appeared in the name of anti -fraud. After a brief demonstration, it has now entered the main theme of the coup.The development of the entire section of development seems to be abrupt, which is a performance of some Gilgis political hidden rules.

Since Gilgis has been separated from Soviet independence in 1991, it has enjoyed the reputation of Central Asian Democratic Island due to the characteristics of regular elections and regime rotations.evidence.

However, no matter how liberal words are flying, Kyrgyz's politics has always taken another pace. The soul of the power of the different color is lodged in the shell of the democratic republic, and it will come out every time.From the 2005 Tulip Revolution, the Second Revolution in 2010, and even the riots of the parliamentary election, several revolutions that have been ironed in the history of the country.A coup service.

Taking the Tulip Revolution as an example, the reason why Volkswagen is used to treating it as a color revolution is that the place is located in the post -Soviet region, and anti -government demonstrations in Georgia, Ukraine and other places can coexist a narrative, that is, the Soviet autocratic relics poisonIn the end, the national field will also be out of Russia, and democracy and civil society will continue to deepen.

However, if the revolutionary incident is carefully investigated, not only the mobilization of civic society and non -governmental organizations is extremely low, but it is rare to discuss space for discussing the issue of Russia.The entire incident began in the 2005 parliamentary election dispute, and ended with the exile of President ASKAR Akayev, and the political and social structure of the good country did not change significantly.

In 2010, the rising electricity costs became the second revolutionary fuse, but in the end, it involved faction conflict and national hatred. Not only did the Kyoshi hover on the edge of the civil war, it also allowed Osh (OSH) and Jalal-in the southABAD) Large -scale attacks against Uzbek and other cities.After the riots, President Kurmanbek Saliyevich Bakiyev, who came to power due to the Tulip Revolution, exiled Belarus. Former Foreign Minister Roza Otunbayeva was briefly appointed as the third president of Ji Guo.Another faction leader, recently released and arrested Adamyev.

Although this revolution has contributed to the Gesson Constitution referendum in 2010, the Presidential Republican system allows the republican system of the Parliament, but it is difficult to shake the existing power structure. Adam Bayev still calls the wind and rain.In 2019, special forces were sent to arrest the former.Start the keys of the national machine and always hold on the hands of the president.

Looking at the above -mentioned revolutionary development, it reflects that it is not the softening of authority, or the profound anti -corruption, but the elite struggle of the coup as a way.

At the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China, Ji Guo politics was mostly the world of Soviet political elites. The first President Akayev was an example.It was an academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Pymagis Socialist Republic of Kyrgyz. He became the president in 1990 and continued to win the election in the founding of the country until the Tulip Revolution.

However, view of its support foundation, in addition to the title of Soviet elite, depends on the order of the tribal and North -South pattern of the unique tribal.During the Soviet Union, the Central Government used the collective farm and other systems to eliminate the political influence of the tribe, but it was unable to completely eradicate it. Although the North -South opposition landscape began in uneven economic development, it was further intensified under the strategy of the division of the Soviet Union.The two major political structures are entangled with each other, and they quickly penetrated into politics after the Soviet Union collapsed.

Taking Akayev as an example, he was born in Chuhe Prefecture in the north and was supported by the Sary-Bagysh tribe.In order to stabilize the security position, Akayev gradually took off the old Soviet -style elite appearance during the 15 years of administration, and changed to retrieved tribe and regional emotions.In the system, in exchange for loyalty with benefits, it has shaped the foundation of a family oligopoly.

In the long run, the unsatisfactory political elite must be unwilling, but in the face of the political and business system that is difficult to get involved, it can only be re -distributed by non -normal means and re -distribution of power.The biggest cause of the revolution and the riots after this election.

Taking Pakistan as an example, he appeared on the throne of power after the Tulip Revolution. It seemed to intend to create a new atmosphere in politics, but he wanted to make Akayev second.During its tenure, corruption and authoritarian have not improved, but the members of the Enshe system were replaced by the Ich-Kylyk tribe and the political elite from the south.The person is related to the Jararabad from the south.

Coincidentally, in addition to the acts of the transitional role, Ji Guo's subsequent presidents are mostly shared the similar power model.Antanbayev was born in Chuhe Prefecture, on behalf of the Northern Elite Group; Revokov comes from Osh, symbolizing the interests of the southern elite, and the two sides bear the political commitments and expectations of the tribe.EssenceA series of political disputes broke out since 2017. It seems to be the power of power of the two presidents before and after.

Now the Gilgis revolutionary paradigm is repeated, anti -corruption, anti -authoritarian, anti -fraud words are filled with the streets, covering the darkness of the elite group. Although the son of Adamyev can rescue his father, it seems that he can't cross the army transferred by the hot Enbiekov.Boundary five finger mountains.The results of the election are now abandoned, but the victory or failure is still difficult to predict.Regardless of the power, Ji Guo will not escape the liberalization of the family oligopoly group. The skirt relationship will work together with the revolution that erupts on a regular basis, and swing back and forth in the phantom of Democratic Island.