Author: Bai Dehua

Source: Zhongshi Electronics News

The Taiwan Strait is war and harmony, the key is in the United States.The situation in which the United States has blocked China is increasing day by day. Not only is the Japanese, India, and Australia's small NATO. US Secretary of State Pompeo publicly shouted out of the Anti -China League.Broken face.But no matter how the United States has a premise, it does not support Taiwan's independence.It shows that regardless of the pigeon faction, it is still the consensus of the Americans without stepping on the bottom line of Beijing.

Change the United States for a long time to have a fuzzy posture against Taiwan, and directly tell Beijing that once Taiwan is attacked, the United States will defend Taiwan. Such strategic clear opinions have recently fermented in Washington think tanks or media.

Richard Hass, president of the US Foreign Relations Association, and Researcher David Sacks published in the September issue of the Diploma of Foreign Affairs.Once Taiwan was attacked by Beijing, the United States would definitely respond.After the US -Taiwan Chamber of Commerce Chamber of Commerce, Han Ruber, after the end of the US -Taiwan National Defense Industry Conference, who had ended a few days ago, he also said that it was time to formulate a roadmap in the United States and move towards Taiwan's strategy.

Calling for strategy is not without advantage, or uncertainty, so as not to make a dangerous strategy misjudgment, but doing so may also bring risks.

First of all, the strategic chess game in the United States and China may lead to dislocation of American characters.The US -China relations were originally cooperative and competitive. After Trump came to power, the former US defense director Matisse proposed the concept of strategic competitors to compete from both cooperation and competition.Once the United States adjusts its strategy and clearly protects the Taiwan, the United States and China will inevitably move towards hostile, and the world will face a new cold war and even go to the hot war.

Secondly, Taiwan may be reduced to cannon fodder and drag the United States into the water.In recent years, Beijing has continuously used opportunities to infiltrate the traditional American field. The central line of the Taiwan Strait constructed by the United States has been continuously impacted.For other regions, how much resources can the United States invest in confrontation.

However, it is certain that when the pigeon eagle advocates that the United States changes its strategy, it should be clearly stated to Beijing that the United States supports a Chinese policy and does not support Taiwan's independence.Han Rubo said that its strategy does not include independence in Taiwan unilaterally, which is a very thick red line.From this, Taiwan Foreign Minister Wu Zhaozheng proposed that it was not surprising that it would not seek to establish diplomatic relations with the United States, because as long as you understand the international situation, it will not be unclear to the bottom line of the United States.

The United States has a great job in accordance with the law of Taiwan. This domestic law is more convincing than six guarantees. It is also the basis for the United States to ensure the peaceful discussion of cross -strait peace. It does not destroy the status quo and ensure peace.As for the Taiwan Legislative President You Xizheng shouted the constitutional amendment as soon as possible and allowing Taiwan to move towards the normalized country as soon as possible, he did not understand the nature of international politics, and he could only shout himself.