Zhu Ying

The comprehensive conflict between China and the United States has risen to the United States to start a new Cold War in China. The essence of the Sino -US Cold War is the world's leadership. The essence of the world's leadership is who dominates the international order.The so -called replacement of the United States is to replace the status of the United States leading international order.

After the disintegration of the Soviet Union and the changes in Eastern European dramas, the West thought that the global order opened a era of free hegemony characteristics characterized by American free internationalism.For a while, the single -pole era was popular, and it seemed that the international community really entered the peace of the United States.However, in the outbreak of the financial crisis in 2008, the single -pole era under the United States was greatly impacted.Some people in the western academic community have continued to propose the disorder of the international order today.

The disorder of international order has encountered the rise of China, which may be the strategic opportunity period and the great changes that have seen by Chinese senior decision makers.The 2008 financial crisis made China confident in its economic model and no longer believe in the myth of the American economic model.According to the memoir of former US Treasury Secretary Paulson, Wang Qishan, who has been the Deputy Prime Minister of the State Council since 2008, told him that you were my teacher. We dare not be sure if you should learn from you again.China has no longer touching stones to cross the river, but confidence has found a model of the Chinese road.

Many years later, people will definitely see more and more clearly that in 2008, there is an extremely important historical boundary.Hu Shuli, a well -known Chinese media person, pointed out that after the global financial crisis, many people have an illusion, thinking that China is not so fast. If it is really changed, maybe it is more like Europe and the United States, and it is easier to have problems.It seems that the financial crisis not only has not become a driving force for reform, but also has become a basis for unnecessary reform.

When China feels that it has surpassed the former teacher, especially after China's total economic economic aggregate ranked second in 2010, China began to show its influence on the international community, and the international order led by the United States changed.This is the background of Obama's inheritance that cannot allow China's regional rules to formulate regional rules.Obama believes that China is trying to establish rules for the world's fastest regions, which will cause our workers and business to be unfavorable.Why do we let all this happen?We should write rules, we should define game rules.

To this end, Obama is keen to advocate the cross -Pacific partnership agreement (TPP) and cross -Atlantic trade and investment partnership Agreement (TTIP).The U.S. Democratic Party's idea is to use international economic rules to restrict the global influence of the Chinese model.In addition, Obama proposed the Asia -Pacific rebalancing strategy, and the United States would return to Asia, which was actually a geopolitical strategy for military and politics to form a geopolitical strategy for China.

When Obama conceived to block China, it was precisely when China was full of confidence to enter the center of the world stage.In 2017, Xi Jinping, President of China, said: To guide the international community to jointly create a more fair and reasonable international order, and guide the international community to maintain international security.

Xi Jinping's significance of the two guidance is that China contributes Chinese wisdom and Chinese solutions to the world.The reason is: the glorious history of the Chinese nation for 5,000 years, the history of the 1995 years of the Communist Party of China, the development miracle of the 38 years of reform and opening up, have been declared to the world with the fact that it is difficult to argue.Safe guidance.The goal of the two guidance is the community of human destiny.

In 2017, the National Security Strategy Report, using definition of China as a revisionist country, responded to two guidance of China, and pointed out that China amended its existing international order and developed in the direction of China.Unexpectedly, China met the monster Trump.

Trump has no strategy for China. At the beginning of his stage, he only sought a balance of trade deficit with China. He would be a fair trade agreement. If the Chinese government agreed, he would be willing to war.However, Trump's personality is to determine what you want. He adopts extreme pressure and uses all means, so that people cannot predict what his next trick is.The eagle team behind Trump operated according to his acquiescence, and Pompeo was the most typical, which caused the door that Trump was opened cannot be closed.

Trump's pursuit of China's poverty on trade issues provoked the United States' reflection on China.This is what the famous American economic historian Niall Ferguson said: Trump wakes up the United States, allows all sectors of the United States to see China's threat to the United States and allow the two parties to reach a consensus on China.The Zhihua School in the United States has retreated or turned to the anti -Chinese school, occupying the right to speak to the rise of China's hardliners.The author of the world is the author of a book of Ping Ma Middot; Friedman's journal pointed out: Trump is not the US president that the United States deserves, but he is the US president that China deserves.

In this context, only a few elites discussed that China had a statement to replace the United States. It was accepted by more and more American elites and politicians, and more and more research reports and government documents in the United States have determined that China has tried to replace it.The ambitions of the United States and dominating international order.At this time, the American elite accepted the century -old marathon: China replaced the US secret strategy author Michael Pillsbury, a secret strategy of becoming a global superpower.

In the book's book, Bai Bangrui discussed the history and goals of China's strategic deception in the United States and the West.He believes that since the Mao Zedong era in 1949, there is an ambitious plan, that is, to make China surpass the United States as the world's hegemon.In order to achieve this plan, China must be helped by the United States and Western countries, and it is strong in economy, technology, and military. Therefore, China must hide its true strategic intention, lie on sale, and keep the light, surpass the United States in 2049.

This is the central content of the century -old marathon and the whole book.China's century -old plan is not written on the paper, hidden in the secret document in the safe in Zhongnanhai, but in the hearts of the leaders of the Chinese dynasties.They never slapped and struggled in this direction, that is, the national shame for 100 years.

Bai Bangrui's century -old plan is a bit like one of the two hundred years proposed by Chinese leaders, but Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi pointed out: We have never had any century -old marathon strategy, and China has no intention of replacing the United States.But the following facts that China is proud of it has allowed the United States to prove that China has the ambition to replace the United States:

First of all, the most typical example is the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.Secondly, reform and transformation of existing international mechanisms, for example, China integrates Chinese concepts into it by hosting the Hangzhou Summit of the Government of the 20th National Group.Finally, strive to transport senior talents for international organizations and increase the number and quality of Chinese people in international organizations.

Why are these facts explained by the United States as the international order of China changing existing international order?The key is the existing international order. It is essentially an internal order of the Western community (relative to the Soviet Union). This is an internal stability under the dominance of American hegemony.It does not mean that China can integrate into the global economy in terms of economy, which does not mean that China can accept existing international order.With the two guidance of China's rising internal inevitability, the United States cannot accept the new order of international order in accordance with China's values and does not accept China's world leadership.

In 2001, John Middot; John J. Mearsheimer published a tragedy of politics of the great country. He used his theoretical prediction that the rise of China caused conflicts in the United States and China.He recently said in an interview with Voice of Germany that the United States would not tolerate China to sit up.From this point of view, the Cold War between China and the United States will be a long -term state.

The author is a professor of economics at Shanghai Normal University Business School

China's century -old plan is not written on the paper, hidden in the secret document in the safe in Zhongnanhai, but in the hearts of the leaders of the Chinese dynasties.They never slapped and struggled in this direction, that is, the national shame for 100 years.