The PEW Research Center recently released the results of the annual world investigation of the topic of China.The survey was conducted from June 10th to August 3rd, covering 14,276 respondents from 14 major economies.The results show that among the major developed economies such as the United States, Britain, Japan, South Korea, Germany, and France, the proportion of negative impression of interviewees in China has increased significantly compared with 10 years ago. Except for Spain (63%) and Italy (62 (62)In addition to), interviewees in other countries hold a negative impression of China, and they have reached 70%or above, and Australia, Sweden and Japan have a negative impression of more than 80%of China.The proportion of negative impressions of the United States, Britain, Germany, Australia, South Korea and other countries has reached the highest level of history since the investigation.More importantly, from the perspective of trends, the proportion of negative impression respondents in Australia, Britain, the Netherlands, Canada, South Korea, Sweden and other countries has risen straight up, from the general proportion of 40%-50%, climbing to its70%-80%, in the last decade, interviewees in various countries generally have a sharp contrast to the long-term stable form of the semi-opened long-term stability.

First, poll data itself is not necessarily objective, accurate, and very representative, but it can indeed see some trend changes.

First of all, it is understood that the PEW Research Center is an independent poll in the United States, which is headquartered in Washington Special Economic Zone.The center provides information on issues, attitudes and trends that affect the United States and the world.The Pedu Research Center is funded by the Piey Charity Trust Fund.Although it is known as no tendency, it is difficult for us to know whether it is nothing to do.We can refer to their data.

The cause of the rising proportion of negative impressions is very complicated. The traditional national system and ideological concepts are factor that cannot be ignored.However, these factors have existed in the past, so the more important factors are new variables in recent years, such as China's rise, trade war, Hong Kong issues, South China Sea issues, American pressure, epidemic impact, and publicity of Western media.Judging from the results, China's interpretation and communication of the world cannot be considered successful, which means that China's explanation and external behavior. We may not tell the role and effect we want.This is worthy of our reflection. It may not be more wrong, but that it is not enough to do. It is not effective enough.The misleading and prejudice caused by the defamation and the deepening of prejudice.

Second, Western prejudice and arrogance have indeed existed. Although the West's understanding of China does need to be strengthened, we have no right to ask Western to understand China.Many Western people have little desire to understand China.Chinese is also a natural barrier.

Many Westerners' prejudice against China still stayed in the 1960s and 1970s. After the reform and opening up, China's decades of great development and changes, and the Western world is far from the Chinese people themselves clearly and in a timely manner.The Chinese impression of the ancient board is also deeply branded in the minds of many Westerners.Of course, we hope that there are more in the Western world to look at our progress and changes, but many times they don't have much interest in China, and many Western people have little desire to understand China.The Chinese people have a huge population in English, but people studying Chinese in the Western world are significantly much smaller.People from China to the Western world are far more than those who visit China in the West.The obstacles of language have also added a huge gap to the Western people to better understand China.The words that China's active export are not necessarily considered an objective fact.We think that West now has biases and hostility, and believes that the Western people should look at China, understand us more, and think that the West's understanding of China does need to be strengthened, but we do not have the right to ask Western to understand China.The people in the Western world want to know more and better understanding the real Chinese and the Chinese people are determined by their own wishes. Sometimes it is really useless to be anxious.And this status quo is easy to bring unknown, unaware, and easily mislead by other people with ulterior motives (such as politicians, etc.) because of information asymmetric.

Third, the West does have the malicious distortion of politicians in China, such as the United States, this year's election, sacrificing the most important relationship between China and the United States in the world, intensifying that China and the United States fight against election to attack China, stir up the hostility of the American people against China for ChinaEssence

To attack China to fight domestic election campaigns, stir up the American people's greater misunderstandings and hatred of China, and achieve the pursuit of the interests of political parties and politicians. This is the true fact of the United States election this year.Politico reports that the National Republican Senatorial Committee (The National Republican Senatorial Committe) sends a 57 -page memorandum to the campaign agency, suggesting that Republican candidates should respond to the crisis of the new crown epidemic by actively attacking China.The memorandum includes countermeasures from how to associate Democratic candidates with the Chinese government to how to deal with various issues such as racist allegations.It emphasized the three main attack routes: one is that China covers the truth and leads to the spread of the virus; the other is that the Democratic attitude towards China is weak; the third is that Republicans will promote sanctions against China because of the spread of this epidemic.The new crown virus is a LSquo in China. Hit -and-Run rsquo; then covering the facts, causing thousands of people to die.This memo said.

The above -mentioned re -election of the aim of China, sacrificing the most important power relationship in the world, MDASH; MDash; Sino -US relations will definitely provoke the hostility of the American people to China and intensify the confrontation between China and the United States. This is not this.The content that humans should see on the planet are not willing to see the American people, but just the interests of the interests of politicians such as Trump.

4. The traditional Western world is a country that dominate the United States and the United States. With the increasingly intensity of competition between China and the United States, it is normal for hostility to strengthen hostility.Fighting is increasingly fierce.The deepening of competition and hostility is actually a complementary to each other.

The United States and its allies have occupied the mainstream Western world. Among the major developed economies such as the United States, Britain, Japan, South Korea, Germany, and France, they are all American and American allies.The United States has jointly suppressed the rise of Chinese powers and has become the core topic of the world and the world's core spindle in recent years. News of the United States and China competition has occupied the most important position of world news and the maximum reporting volume.Western people are influenced by such competition confrontation information every day. Can they have a good perception?The US and China confrontation, the United States with Western world allies to suppress China is a huge mountain that creates hostile western people.Politicians drive the country, the country affects the people, and the people have promoted the country and politicians, and step by step into the confrontation of today's great power.See what happened in the past two years?Since 2019, especially after the outbreak of the epidemic, US -China relations have taken a great downhill.From the perspective of the U.S. Congress, from January 1, 2019 to August 2020, last year, the US Congress proposed a total of 366 cases related to China. These 366 China -related proposals were created by the history of the United States.It is the largest proposal of the United States Congress since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States.Among these 366 proposals, 70 of them involved economic and trade issues, 58 of the supply chain, 52 involving information and communication, 46 involving human rights and democracy, 44 involving China's influence, involving the new crown epidemic situation23, 16 involving immigration issues, and 10 of climate change and environment.

The 366 Proposal of China -related China is basically combating to fight against sanctions. Since the establishment of the diplomatic relations between China and the United States, the United States Congress has proposed the most proposal in China. What concept?Is China really doing a lot of evil things?Everyone on the earth understands that this is by no means what China has done, but what the United States wants to do!

It is the United States who took the initiative to suppress China. Without this endogenous initiative, the passive came from the outside alone can launch 366 cases related to China in 600 days. In less than 2 days, a proposal involved in China?This is the fact that all day is thinking about curbing China,How much time does this group of American councilors do their own business?

The crazy suppression of this proposal involved in China in less than 2 days reflects the maliciousness and hostility of the US government and politicians, and reflects its awareness of the mainstream public opinion on China's rise.The misleading and prejudice caused by this malicious attack and slander for China will also be deepened.And we did not deal with it in a timely manner, and it essentially became the appointment of listening.

5. China should not be approved by the West, and should not be pursued too much. It is the fundamental pursuit of the prosperous and prosperity of the people in the country.Essence

People don't want to know more about you. Do you still want to know others to recognize you?

People don't want to support you. You still think about being more influential in others' leadership. Isn't it to be interesting?

China should not be approved by the West, nor should they pursue the recognition of the West too much. It is the fundamental pursuit of its own prosperity and prosperity of the people.

China does not need to deny itself to the transition of China.Take your own way to make your people happy, and the prosperity of the country is our core work.

Of course, after all, we also need to deal with the people of the world on this earth.Therefore, we really need to continue to improve the effectiveness and adequacy of China's image display.At present, China's image display today is not effective, resulting in people in the West easily misleading by their political and political guests.For the people of the Western world, China should properly increase China's positive image and some incidents in the Chinese people in the Western world. It is also necessary to innovate and improve the methods to consolidate the trust, recognition and friendship of the people of the western world.Listening to the political and politicians of the Listening to destroy the positive image of China among the western people.

For example, between China and the United States, both China and the United States are currently defending the purposeful propaganda of each other.However, very good is that the world today is an era of extremely well -information.There are more than 200 countries in the world, and any information in China can be spread through various platforms of more than 200 other countries in the United States.Various information spread by multiple countries, so China pays great attention to various platforms in more than 200 other countries in the United States, telling the real events of China, conveying Chinese objective voices, these Chinese things Chinese voiceIt will be transmitted through information from more than 200 countries around the world, so that the American people can get it, which can greatly check and alleviate the voices of slandering China that deliberately transmitted to the American people for the purpose of interests.

Author: Peng Shengyu

Researcher at the Chahar Society, International Financial Forum (IFF) researcher special researcher, strategic researcher of oil central enterprises