Zhongshi Society

Faced with the chaotic East Asian situation and the Taiwan Strait, which is on the verge of military conflict, Tsai Ing -wen's double ten speech continued the tone of the past four years. It is believed that the top three sides of the strait is the attitude of mutual respect and goodwill.EssenceHer conversation conforms to the expectations of the international community to reduce the risk of war, but how to reduce the long -lasting hostility on both sides of the strait and create meaningful dialogue conditions are still a very difficult challenge. How to avoid the continued rise of hostility should be the top priority.Essence

Tsai Ing -wen made a speech on unity of Taiwan and self -confidence in the Double Ten Conference. On the basis of consistently, he expressed goodwill to cross -strait relations. She pointed out that as long as the Beijing authorities have the intention to resolve the opposition, improve cross -strait relations,, Taiwan is willing to jointly promote a meaningful dialogue. This is the claim of the people of Taiwan and the consensus of the political parties of the Korean and opposition.

President Tsai uses the two days to pass on the Taiwan people and the international community to contribute to the international economic strategy in the international community, the new Taiwan economic strategy in the new situation, the safety of the security of the new Taiwan, and the use of active as a regional cooperation to inspire the morale of the people.However, we must not ignore the challenges and dilemma faced by Taiwan on both sides of the strait and foreign relations, such as excessive deviation from reality, which will only bring the internal propaganda and the same temperature layer effect.

Taiwan has not received real security guarantee

The US -China -Taiwan relations that are closely connected with the World Bureau are in a more complex and contradictory situation.The United States and China have no intention of setting off war, and the United States and Taiwan do not think that the mainland will commit force to commit to Taiwan, but the three parties have their own interests, goals and calculations, and the pressure of domestic politics and election., Continuously raising the military confrontation, no party is willing to concession, forming dangerous uncertainty.This is why Ji Xinji speaks loudly, and the US -China leaders must discuss the boundary that cannot surpass each other. He warns that if we can't do it, we will fall into the situation like World War I.

Since the beginning of this year, 1710 military aircraft in the mainland, 1029 sub -warships invading the Taiwan air defense identification zone, of which 217 are the southwest air defense identification zone and 49 military aircraft surpass the Taiwan Strait. In addition to the huge pressure on the Taiwan defense system, the military operations are frequent.The chance of getting angry and misjudgment rose, and the Taiwan Strait became a pressure cooker in the Asia -Pacific region, and the potential military conflict was hot.

President Tsai has a firm positive information on the mainland, but the cross -strait relations of the independence of the Cross -Strait relations have been receding after the governance of the party.And worsening from acceleration.Under the circumstances that the official communication pipelines were unattractive, the hostile was still deep, the military confrontation continued to rise, and the Taiwan and the United States continued to combine the combination of resistance, the two sides had a meaningful dialogue and the timing was not mature.

In terms of foreign relations, Tsai Ing -wen emphasized that Taiwan will actively participate in the establishment of new international and regional order in the future, adhere to the principle of value alliances, broaden the good destiny in the international community, and continue to improve partnerships with friends and our country;Taiwan will also actively participate in regional and international multilateral cooperation and dialogue.

According to the consideration of economic interests and geopolitical balance, India hopes to maintain ambiguity. The Siwang Foreign Minister meeting held in Japan a few days ago. Although US Secretary of State Pompeo shouted loudly, it only achieved symbolic results.It is mentioned that Taiwan cannot expect too much about East Asia's safety collective mechanism.

In the bilateral relations between Taiwan and the United States, it has been unprecedentedly friendly in the past six months. The United States has frequently supported Taiwan with high posture diplomatic actions and huge arms sales, but it still maintains a strategic blur.Get real security guarantee.

China -US Yizhong Red Line is not broken

When Pompeo replied that the reporter could only say that if the mainland invaded Taiwan, the United States would not sit at the same time and as long as the tension of the region, the United States would try to do it.National Security Consultant Obrain warned that the mainland not attempted to seize Taiwan with force in a public speech, and said that it is difficult for the land and land amphibious landing method, and how the United States will react in a lot of fuzzy space.

The Taiwan Strait is at the moment of fierce war. The two anti -Chinese generals in the United States still adhere to the consistent strategic blurring position, which also confirms the universal recognition of academic circles including Harvard University Chinese experts, Gordon,In addition to observing the mainland, it is not necessary to commit force, but it is also curbing Taiwan to independence.The Democratic Progressive Party wants to use the full opening of the American pig and cow to open the FTA negotiations, and then it is difficult to promote the planning of Taiwan relations in an all -round way. Instead, it has confirmed that the Chinese Red Line is not broken.

The DPP government's three -sided relationship between the United States and China and Taiwan has a dilemma. The mainland attempts to expand the scope of activities in the Taiwan Strait in the Taiwan Strait. The United States supports Taiwan but has its limitations. If Democratic candidate Biden is qualified, can the US -Taiwan relations continue to maintain it?How to get rid of the US -China fighting, can the two sides of the strait show each other and soothe the tension?Although Tsai Ing -wen ’s Shuangzhong speech showed the desire to maintain the peace of Taiwan, it did not propose an effective solution to the harsh situation in front of him.