Author: Zhu Zhongkang

Lenin once said that the strongest fortress must be broken from the inside.At present, there are many crises that are sufficient to shake the country.

The first is the epidemic.Due to Trump's negligence and contempt science, the public was reluctant to wear masks or maintain a social distance. As a result, there were more than 7.7 million confirms in the United States, while the patients had nearly 220,000, and both were ranked first in the world.This fire not only could not see the end, but also burned into the place of the United States.The Trump couple infected, more than a dozen staff members confirmed, and the chaotic White House became a hot area in the CNN mouth.The University of Washington predicts that in February next year, the number of disagreements in the United States may be as high as 400,000.The outbreak of the epidemic means that the US economic recovery will be delayed, the fiscal deficit worsens, the gap between the rich and the poor has accelerated, and the national strength will continue to decline.

Another deep internal factor with destructive power is racism.Trump never concealed his sympathy for the White Master.Former first lady in the United States, Michelle, Obama accused Trump as a racist.Trump's White House even became the White Supreme Club.The first annual domestic threat assessment published by the US Department of Land and Security directly pointed out that white supreme extremists were the most fatal internal horror threats in the United States.According to statistics from the Poor Law Center in the United States, because white people are concerned about the population advantage no longer, Trump's period of time has increased sharply to 155 during the ruling period of Trump.In order to protect themselves, African Americans have also established two or five hateful black separation organizations.In addition, many blacks have begun to imitate the white people quoted the second amendment to the Constitution to organize armed groups.In fact, in the protests of Louisville, Kentucky this summer, if the police involved, the black -and -white militia soldiers had already broke out.

The third threat is the presidential election next month.Trump refused to transfer the regime peacefully on the grounds that the increased communication voting was full of fraud.In this way, he did not put a super -time bomb for the selected United States.If Trump really refuses to admit defeat, the United States, which will be like a gunpowder, will burst out in an all -round way.Cruman, a winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics, even publicly questioned if Trump was defeated, and during the only two and a half months of his term, he remembered whether he would destroy it to retaliate against voters.He in the New York Times column pointed out that Trump ’s repeated repeated economic rescue cases in negotiated new editions of the negotiations seemed to be out of resentment.

In fact, in terms of unprecedentedly fierce election, no matter who is elected, the other party and their supporters may not be accepted.Biden believes that the only one that he will be defeated may be the disadvantage of voting.Although he emphasized the defeat, what if his supporters refused?

There is another fuse that may cause serious conflict this year: invoicing.Due to the surge in the video voting, it may not be able to send the election center on the day before the vote. The day of the vote may not be completed, or even a few days of results.Floating people's hearts will be even more disturbed.Before the ticket calculation and confirmation of the election results, whispering and rumors may be full of community media, and the restless people may not be able to bear to protest on the street.If the candidate also questioned the unfair invoicing and the fraud in the opponent, the supporters and the left and right extremist groups may come out.The national turmoil will not be avoided by then.

The epidemic, race, and election are brewing the perfect storm; the world's super dominant karma that takes more than 200 years is facing a harsh test.The United States, which is impacted by the internal, reappears in a weakness or bathing?Is the glory brought by Trump's ruling in the first three years, is it great or returning?Trump, heaven or condemnation given to the United States in the United States?Global holding is waiting, and it will be announced next month.

The author is a think tank researcher