Author: Mao Yuelin

Source: Hong Kong 01

On the evening of October 8th, media such as the Indian Express Daily and the wire report found that the Indian Ministry of Defense suddenly deleted all the monthly newspapers from 2017 to the present.This covers some details of the China -India defense negotiations, joint military exercises, and Sino -Indian front -line confrontation after Donglang confrontation.

The Indian Ministry of Defense is not unusual.In August, the Indian Ministry of Defense deleted a monthly report that talked about Chinese aggression and predicted the ride of the Radaka region for a long time.The Indian side said that the open literature was suddenly released without review, so it needs to be deleted and adjusted.However, as the department actually deleted all the similar documents in three years, it was unreasonable. The content behind it may not be the confrontation between the Sino -Indian confrontation that the Indian media was keen to talk about.

After learning the deletion, the Indian Express reporter specially connected the Indian Ministry of Defense on the same day, and the latter was unable to worship.However, sources from the Ministry of National Defense of India still release the export wind, saying that this move is internal adjustment, and the newspaper is more comprehensive.The unknown answer implies the purpose of the Indian side: this move seems to be to fully delete all the public defense information that has been disclosed in the past three years, instead of rewrite the relevant records of the confrontation or exchanges between China and India.

This abnormal move of the Ministry of Defense of India has puzzled the outside world.

For a long time, the public newspaper of the Indian Ministry of Defense was allowed to release it after the senior officials reviewed the shooting.This means that even if one or two articles can bypass the final review, most of the newspapers are the first.

Observer pointed out that the literature that the Indian Ministry of Defense is about to be deleted will indeed involve details related to China and India, but the content of them in all monthly newspapers in three years is limited.And they do not involve important contents that have been qualitatively qualitatively qualitatively qualitatively qualitatively qualified in Indo -Pakistan air combat, Indian -Pakistan confrontation, and 2017 Donglang confrontation.

According to online data, except for the previously deleted report that was reported in June 2020, Indiafang has only talked about China's content four times since August 2019, each in 2019 and 2020.This is extremely limited among the nearly 50 newspapers deleted by India.

In 2019, India talked about the details of the exchange of China and India.First of all, from August 13th to 14th, the Ministry of Defense of China and India held a joint border working group meeting. The conference aims to agreed that the Chinese and India Army held many naval visits from April 2020 to March 2021.The second was the joint military exercise near the Sino -Indian military in the Sino -Salon Airport of Megaraia, India from December 7th to 20th of the same year.

By 2020, although the situation is slightly different, it is not sensitive.The first report occurred on February 5th, and Indian said that a Chinese -type 053H3 warship was found in the Pakistani waters near PORBANDAR, India Port.The organization (BRO) claims that it is necessary to build a large military activity bridge to build a large military activity bridge to ensure local strategic needs and to ensure the travel of 451 villagers in the local villagers.

In fact, compared to the Sino -Indian confrontation, which has only been concerned by the outside world in April 2020, what the Indian Ministry of Defense tried to cover up may be far more than that.

In August 2020, India launched a new reform plan under India's self -reliance slogan.It is related to the Indian army equipment.

Compared with the confrontation between China and India, which is keen on the Chinese world, the biggest challenge of the Indian military from 2017 may still be the details of Modi authorities such as military reform but difficult to break through.

Since 2016, General D.B.Shekatkar, former commander of the Indian army, has organized a special committee to study how to improve the Indian army's combat effectiveness and balance Indian defense budget.By December 2016, the committee submitted 188 military reform and restructuring. The Indian Ministry of Defense only adopted 99 of them, of which 65 reforms related to the Indian Army did not begin until the end of the Donglang crisis in August 2017.

It is ironic that the Indian military reform, which was originally planned to start in August 2017 and completed the first stage of the first stage in December 2019 in September 2017.

The late former defense ministers Manohar Parrikar and Arun Jaitley have formulated a modern military reform plan that costs $ 150 billion and retires nearly 60,000 officers and soldiers.But after the time when the defense was taken over in September 2017, at the end of 2017, the implementation of this plan brought the three military officers and 50,363 officers to the end of 2017, and 700,000The equipment of the rifle, the 44,000 light machine gun and the 446,000 Caber gun are disconnected.At least 10 aviation teams of the Indian Air Force will also be scrapped in 2024.

In this regard, Sitraman had to re -study between October 2018 to March 2019 and launched a new reform plan for the Indian Army.The core is to send 229 officers from the Indian Army headquarters to the Sino -Indian and India -Pakistan front -along field forces, and finally configure the 20 % senior commander of the Indian Army on the front line.In addition, in order to reduce expenses, the Indian Army plans to reduce 150,000 cultural personnel, save 1.8 trillion rupees of pensions and other expenses, and increase the proportion of combat forces in the general troops.This arrangement is different from the previous comprehensive reform.

By 2020, although the Modi authorities tried to implement the theater Command system, the three Indian military's banks continued.By August 9, Indian Defense Minister Rajnath Singh announced that it would stop importing 101 military purchase projects from now on the next four years, and gradually implement the localization of equipment.This strategy has changed the ecology of the procurement environment after India's military reform in 2017.However, with the National Defense Procurement Commission hosted by Modi, the Indian Army, which approved the Indian army on the first line of China and India and India on October 6, urgently purchased more than 70,000 American assault rifles. This repeated impermanence also showed the Indian ArmyChaos and disorderly change.

Obviously, when India is trying to use the Chinese issue as a cover, this method can indeed confuse some spectators who are keen to confront between China and India.The small movements of the Indian side in detail imply that the senior management of the military in guiding ideology is different from the previous because the leadership is more different.To reflect this.

This trivial matter reminds the outside world to continue to pay attention to the issue of the Indian military military reform that was covered in the confrontation period of China and India.