Author: Wang Qin

How to view the rise of mainland China is a new topic, including mainland China itself, is also because it is a new issue that observer and stakeholders are still exploring, and it is difficult to get rid of their own ideology.The distortion brought by interests is more misjudgment.

The cross -strait public opinion field, which is also a Chinese media circle, can form a control group to help observers examine the same news incident and interpret how much can produce.Interestingly, the cross -strait media have reached a rare consensus on the issue of global resistance. Whether it is mainland media or Taiwan media, such news can be seen everywhere, such as the United States is suppressing mainland China, or a country to the mainland of the mainland.A certain project has a restriction, or a multilateral dialogue in several countries, no matter what they say and do whatever they say, they are attempted to check the mainland.Of course, the reports of mainland public opinion are mainly the embodiment of anxiety and even persecution, and quite a lot of public opinion in Taiwan is more likely to be a glory of uneasy and kindness.

Aside from false news or exaggerate the facts, most news and comments do not have factual errors in itself. The main problem is to look at the perspective of the problem, that is, the practice of the current global changes.I do n’t know the true face of Lushan, and I am only in this mountain.Although cross -strait media have seen more and more negative news about mainland China, they did not realize the inevitability of this negative news frequently and the development logic behind them.

For 40 years of time, the exposure of mainland China has a low exposure worldwide, so a reference message can maximize the information about the media of the world's media. This is not because of the lack of attention to mainland China in the world.How many related news can be reported that companies in mainland China are rarely invested abroad, and the trade volume is quite limited. There are rarely seen and unavailable products in mainland China, and there are very few well -known brands.Nowadays, the situation is great. After 40 years of reform and opening up, Mainland China has not only achieved an economic jump, but also has greatly improved its influence and sense of existence worldwide.It can also be seen everywhere that Chinese investment has also begun to enter all corners of the earth.In the past, I rarely saw negative news about mainland China. That was because the news itself was rare, and now negative news has increased sharply. It is unknown that the total amount of news about mainland China is also increasing.There will be conflicts in exchanges, including conflicts of value concept, including disputes and confrontation of interests.

If you understand this logic, you will understand that the endless news of China today is actually the continuous improvement of China's influence. This is a new issue for countries around the world.During the mainland, that kind of harmonious communication is destined to be the past.Similarly, for mainland China, how to face the rise is also a new topic, and you can no longer look at yourself from the perspective of human and animals in the past. On the contrary, we must realize that more and more Chinese products, Chinese products, China, ChinaInvestment appears overseas, not only to impact the inherent concept of the local area, but also challenging the old interest pattern, but also not only challenging the local local interest pattern, but also challenging other foreign competitors.The challenges will bring criticism, attack and even hatred. How to do a good job of balance and value communication is a new problem that mainland China needs to face.

In this process, the role that needs to be played by the public opinion field is particularly important. At this stage, public opinion is still in the stage where the negative emotions are collected in the past and refuted one by one.It became numb until it was overwhelmed, but it would cause people to have an illusion, thinking that the whole world was fighting against the mainland.In fact, it is wrong. Most of the countries and people in the world will not be innate with mainland China. On the contrary, mainland China should learn to adapt to this new world, and a new world of China is a big country.