China Focus

At a high -level meeting of the 75th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations, Chinese President Xi Jinping delivered an important speech, which once again explained the concept of the community of human destiny again and gave China thinking and Chinese plan for the common topics and challenges facing the world.

The world today is in a big change in a century.The globalization and scientific and technological leaps have brought unprecedented progress to human society, and also closely linked the fate of human beings unprecedentedly.At the same time, the global challenges faced by the international community have unprecedented prominent.The coronary virus epidemic warned people again that the development interests between the country were deeply integrated.Global issues require global response, and the crisis cannot be alone, and human destiny is closely related.

In the United Nations forum, joining hands together, the hardships of the time are the strongest notes.However, some countries have advocated unilateralism and their own priority. They are responsible for the country's epidemic, accusing the other country's accusations, and even re -firing the Cold War thinking, intending to engage in camp confrontation.This allows the pace of human beings to stay at the crossroads where to go again.We must think seriously, is it open to inclusive or closed or isolated?Do you want to cooperate or win -win or conflict?Do you ask for the same difference or only me?

In response to this major issue, President Xi pointed out in his speech that we live in a earth village with interconnectedness, interconnection, rest and communist, and countries are closely linked and human destiny.We want to establish the consciousness of your destiny community with me and me, jump out of the small circle and zero -sum game thinking, establish a win -win concept of big families and cooperation, abandon ideological controversy, cross the trap of civilized conflict, respect each other's independent choices of all countries.The road and model of development have made the diversity of world diversity the inexhaustible motivation of human society, and the colorful natural form of human civilization.

This is after Xi Jinping attended the 70th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations in 2015 and gave a speech at the United Nations Geneva headquarters in 2017, he once again explained the concept of human destiny community on the international community on the most important multilateral stage of the United Nations.This speech reveals the logic of historical development and represents the trend of the times. This is that the theme of peace and development has not changed. The problems encountered in development must be solved through cooperation.

We must replace conflicts with dialogue, use negotiation instead of coercion, and replace zero sum with a win -win situation. We combine the interests of the country with the joint interests of various countries, and strive to expand the convergence of the common interests of various countries.We have no intention of denying the contradictions and problems we are facing. What we have to do is to strive to avoid the evolution of competition into conflict and challenge the evolution into a crisis.This is the only way to go to the future of Guangming.

China's diplomatic concept runs through long -term diplomatic practice.This is what China said and did the same.

China firmly maintains regional and world peace.Peaceful development is China's firm national policy.In his speech, Xi Jinping pointed out that China will never dominate, does not expand, and do not seek the scope of power. He has no intention of fighting the Cold War with any country, insisting on dialogue with dialogue, and resolving disputes with negotiations.

As a permanent member of the United Nations, China has participated in more than 30 peacekeeping operations around the world, and has dispatched more than 40,000 peacekeepers.In the middle of the permanent directors, the Chinese sent personnel not only ranked first, but also the only country in the past 40 years that have not participated in overseas warfare.China actively assumes the responsibility of the great country and plays a constructive role in solving hot issues of hotspots such as the Korean Peninsula, Iran, Afghanistan, Myanmar, the Middle East, and Syria.

China is one of the longest borders in the world and the most neighboring countries. Although there are disputes with territorial sovereignty and marine rights and interests with some neighboring countries, China has insisted on negotiating and negotiating and solving peacefully.Completed the work of the industry.There are controversy between China and some Southeast Asian countries and Southeast Asian countries. All controversial parties are committed to dialogue and negotiation to seek solutions. This is an important reason why the South China Sea can maintain stability.This effort is still continuing and will not be disturbed by changes in the international situation.China is confident to properly control the differences and control of the Aya'an country, comprehensively and effectively implement the behavior declaration declaration of all parties in the South China Sea, and join hands to promote the consultation of the South China Sea Code (COC).

China actively builds new international relations.China has established different forms of partnerships with more than 110 countries and international organizations around the world, expanding its global partnership network.As the largest developing country, China actively deepen the relationship with developing countries.China has participated in and promoted cooperation with the BRICS mechanism and SCO organizations to work with other member states to safeguard the common interests of developing countries, and adhere to the principles of national and country exchanges that are not confronted and not alliance.

The surrounding neighbors are the priority of Chinese diplomacy.China attaches great importance to the development of relations with Asia, supports the central status of Asia's Gyeongan's cooperation in East Asia, and has continuously strengthened pragmatic cooperation with the spirit of mutual trust, mutual understanding, mutual benefit, and mutual assistance.In the first half of this year, Asianian became China's largest trading partner for the first time, making the interests of both parties stronger.Next year will be China's MDASH; Asianan's 30th anniversary of the establishment of a dialogue relationship, the relationship between the two parties has ushered in new opportunities for development.

China always believes that healthy and stable Sino -US relations are not only conducive to the two countries, but also the world.China is committed to advancing Sino -US relations based on coordination, cooperation, and stability, but the premise must be mutual respect and equality.Just as Xi Jinping emphasized in his speech, it is normal for the differences between the country to have differences, and it should be properly resolved through dialogue and negotiation.There can be competition between the country, but it must be positive and benign. It is necessary to keep the moral bottom line and international norms.No country has the power to capture international affairs, dominate the destiny of other countries, and monopolize the development advantages, let alone do it in the world to engage in hegemony, bullying, and domineering.

China adheres to the globalization concept of open development.China's development is inseparable from the world, and China's development is also conducive to the world.China has unswervingly expanding opening up, while achieving its own development, it has also become the main source of motivation for world economic growth, and has contributed 30%to global economic growth.China is accelerating the construction of a new development pattern of mutual promotion of domestic large cycles and mutual promotion of domestic and international dual cycles, which will not only open up space for China's economic development, but also add motivation to the global economic recovery.

Building the Belt and Road Initiative is an important practice in China's constructing a community of human destiny and promoting economic globalization.In the past seven years, the Belt and Road Initiative has made great progress. 138 countries and 30 international organizations have joined the circle of friends in the Belt and Road Initiative. The Belt and Road Initiative has become the largest international cooperation platform and the most popular international public product.Although facing all kinds of interference and discreditation, it has proven that one Belt and Road is a cooperation initiative of mutual benefit and win -win, without any geographical strategy attempts;It is by no means a so -called debt trap.

China firmly maintains multilateralism, supports international things to discuss it, and oppose a dominant jungle law with the zero -harmony game you lose.As the first country to sign the United Nations Charter, China firmly maintains the international system with the United Nations as its core, adheres to the purpose and principles of the UN Charter as the fundamental observation, opposes dual standards and exceptions, opposes distorted international law, and uses the rule of law to rule with the rule of law.The name infringes the legitimate rights and interests of other countries and destroys international peace and stability.

Climate change is a common challenge facing all mankind. It requires all human beings to act together and deal with them together. It cannot escape responsibility for its own self -interest.With the U.S. withdrawal from the Paris Agreement, China has always been committed to building a clean and beautiful world.During the meeting, Xi Jinping solemnly announced that China strives to achieve a peak of carbon dioxide emissions by 2030 and carbon neutrality before 2060, which shows that China is willing to make a clear attitude towards the global response.

Epidemic prevention and control and economic recovery are the urgent topics facing the current countries.Xi Jinping announced to provide the United Nations 2019 Global Humanitarian Plan for Global Humanism Corporation of the Coronary Virus disease, which provides US $ 50 million in support and set up the third phase of China MDASH with a scale of $ 50 million;Express after expiration in 2025In the year, the establishment of the United Nations Global Geographical Information Knowledge and Innovation Center and Sustainable Development Big Data International Research Center, which showed China's solid actions to support the world's peaceful development and multilateralism.

The global highly focused on the research and development and distribution of coronary virus vaccines.Xi Jinping's solemn commitment is that the research and development of Chinese vaccines is being promoted smoothly. Once completed and put into use, it will be used as a global public product to give priority to developing countries.This announcement reflects China's efforts to ensure the availability and burden of vaccine in developing countries, and has strongly countered the smearing of China on the vaccine issue.On October 8th, China signed an agreement with the Global Vaccine Immunization Alliance to officially join the Coronatic Virus vaccine implementation plan.This is an important measure to adhere to the concept of human health community and fulfill its promise to promote vaccines as global public products.

The rolling wheels of history have come to this day. The fate of human beings has become increasingly intertwined, and it has become more and more of you and you have your community.Each nation and each country are closely linked together. It should be stormy, glory and disgrace, and strive to build a harmonious family that was born in Sri Lanka and Sri Lanka.Reality.

The author is the Chinese Ambassador to Singapore