The Hong Kong Social Workers' Registration Bureau reorganized in July this year. The new chairman Xu Zongsheng said on Saturday (September 7) that he would add to the maintenance of national security to maintain national security.Even if the trading is not renewed, it is faced with a lifetime suspension.He also said that about 10 cases of cases are not renewed, and some of them involve illegal assembly or riot cases.As for whether the commissioned social union was suspended in the preliminary case, he responded that the Registration Bureau would draw the case out of handling.

Comprehensive Hong Kong 01 News and Sing Tao Daily reported that Xu Zongsheng said in a television program that it will join the social security provisions to the social worker's rules and strengthen the mechanism to deal with social workers who harm national security or serious crimes.If registered social workers are accused, they need to immediately notify the registration bureau.

Xu Zongsheng emphasized that the bureau will pay close attention to the progress of the case. He said, "If it is convicted, even if the card is not renewed, we will take out the case becauseIt is to suspend trading for life. "

Xu Zongsheng said that there are currently 10 cases of cases that are not renewed, and some of them involve illegal assembly or riot cases.People feel disregarding the law.

He emphasized that the Registration Bureau needs to examine the situation of each case. If illegal assembly cases are classified and endangered national security, they will be dealt with in accordance with the crimes of attached Table 3;The crime of attached Table 2 has the right to renew the license, but the registered bureau will meet with the social worker and put forward a "serious reminder."

In addition, in the new list of the Disciplinary Committee's alternative membership group, Chen Hongxiu, who involved the retrial of the riot case, Xu Zongsheng pointed out that he did not consider the political background of the candidate.It's not a judgment before the trial.