The US government warns that the legal risks facing Hong Kong companies have risen. Hong Kong's political system and mainland affairs director Zeng Guowei responded on Saturday (September 7) that the relevant warning was to discredit Hong Kong and intended to target the development of the country and Hong Kong.

Comprehensive Hong Kong Sing Tao Daily and Radio website reports, Zeng Guowei attended the radio program on Saturday and criticized the issue that the relevant warnings were the common tricks of Ziyu, upside down black and white, and belonging to Western countries.

He emphasized that whether it is the National Security Law or Article 23 of the Basic Law, the legislation of the Dinghai God of Dinghai is stabilized. Hong Kong's freedom of speech is also guaranteed. The so -called warnings from the outside world are deliberately targeting the development of the country and Hong Kong.

He continued to point out that the overall economic situation of the country is good, the future development opportunities are unlimited, and most enterprises are profitable. Where there is development potential, it can naturally attract funds and talents.He also emphasized that Hong Kong still has a leading position in various fields. As long as Hong Kong's advantages are still there, he believes that it will not be affected, and citizens should not be arrogant.

Zeng Guowei also said that the Hong Kong Government established the "Integration of Supervision Team of the National Development", with the construction of the Greater Bay Area as a key development project.Excellent business and development environment.

He reiterated that the Greater Bay Area market is huge and has unlimited development opportunities. He believes that Hong Kong can benefit from it, but there are still policy and rules in the Greater Bay Area, which may hinder development. Therefore, it is necessary to break the barriers.Promote the development of the Greater Bay Area with the "Four Streams and Five Connects". Hardware must cooperate in various places, which is smooth, logistics, capital flow and information.

The US State Department, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of Land and Safety, and the Ministry of Finance jointly released the updated Hong Kong business warning (HONG KONG Business Advisory).Conventional business activities violate national security laws and face greater legal risks.

The announcement states that the update warning notice is to warn the new risks brought by the Beijing and Hong Kong government's actions, "these risks may have adverse effects on American companies operating in Hong Kong."