The Hong Kong High Court ruled that Li Zhiying, the founder of One Media Li Zhiying, was established all the cases of controlling the crime of collusion with foreign forces and publishing the crime of inciting publications.

Comprehensive Sing Tao Daily and "Hong Kong 01" and other reports, Li Zhiying's case on Thursday (July 25) entered the 92nd trial on the West Kowloon Magistrate Court.This time, more than a month of trial, entered the oral mid -section of the second part of the prosecution.The defense hopes that the court ruled that Li Zhiying's three charges of charges will not be established.

Peng Yaohong, a senior barrister on behalf of Li Zhiying, pointed out that as a news agency, the Apple Daily uses the "fourth right" to monitor the government in a free society.Conspling.The court should consider the freedom of remarks and pressing given by the Basic Law.

But the National Security Law formulated a judge questioning, does this mean that there is no limit on the media report?The defense acknowledges that the freedom of the press is not a "free gold medal", and it is hoped that the court can examine the case from different angles.

The defense lawyer believes that the prosecution's allegations against Li Zhiying's violation of the Hong Kong National Security Law occurred before the effectiveness of the National Security Law, and there was no evidence that Li Zhiying continued to have related behaviors after the law was effective.

The defense admits that Li Zhiying requested foreign sanctions in Hong Kong before the Hong Kong National Security Law, but when he knew that the relevant behavior became illegal, he did not request sanctions, but only published political opinions in articles and interview programs.EssenceAfter the prosecution failed to prove that after the Hong Kong National Security Law came into effect, Li Zhiying still intends to ask foreign sanctions.

The judge questioned, "Isn't the interview program remarking?" The defense lawyer believes that the background and the reason for each discussion must be considered.Unlike request sanctions.

The prosecution also said that the court needs to consider Li Zhiying's actions before the legislative legislation of the Hong Kong National Security Law, in order to have a comprehensive understanding of his criminal behavior.The judge agreed and asked if the control Fang Li Zhiying had changed the role before and after legislation. The prosecution pointed out that his criminal intention never changed, such as letting Apple Daily maintain the original editing policy.

In the end, the three judges Du Libing, Li Sulan and Li Yunteng ruled that all the sins of Li Zhiying faced the establishment of all sins, and the defense had to respond.The defense stated that it would take about 30 minutes to confirm the instructions, and the judge announced the off court.Before Li Zhiying left the court, he had a love gesture to his family.

Li Zhiying was arrested in violation of the Hong Kong National Security Law in 2020. He was charged with a conspiracy to publish the crime of inciting publications and two skewers to collude with foreign forces.The case started on December 18 last year. It was the first trial of Hong Kong's first crime to colludgative foreign forces. Li Zhiying did not plead guilty of the three charges of charged.