Hong Kong media reported that Cathay Pacific has recruited mainland trainees for the first time last year. So farAs soon as the end of this year to the beginning of next year, Cathay Pacific joined the two -deputy commander of Cathay Pacific.

The Hong Kong Ming Pao reported on Wednesday (July 24) that Cathay Pacific said it would continue to recruit pilots locally and mainland China. The current number of people has risen to 3,000, and it is expected that more than 400 people can fully recover the crown to fully recover the crown.Before the disease and epidemic, you can please be confident in the first quarter of next year, and the trainees of trainers will increase to more than 100 people by the end of this year.

Huang Wenjie, general manager of Cathay Pacific Enterprise Affairs, said that Australian Adelaide Flying School is training 120 Cathay Thai trainees this year, dozens of them are from the mainland.The 60 mainland pilots are trained, emphasizing that the mainland pilots are consistent with Hong Kong pilots in the recruitment requirements and treatment.

Cathay Pacific goal to recruit 800 trainee pilots last year and this year.Dahan, I am confident to hire more 400 people from the local and mainland to support Cathay Pacific to restore the pre -epidemic capacity.

Cathay Pacific also recruited mainland air waiters last year. Huang Wenjie revealed that more than 300 mainland flight attendants have worked.

In order to attract mainland employees, Cathay Pacific has recently planned to set up a flight attendant base in Beijing and Shanghai. The target will increase to 1,500 to 2000 at the end of next year.About 15%.