Data show that in the first half of the year, mainland Chinese buyers buying a house in Hong Kong hit a new high in 29 years.

Surging News reported on Wednesday (July 17) that the latest data released by the Central Plains Real Estate shows that after the Hong Kong SAR Government has fully withdrawn, the Hong Kong property market has continued to increase, and at the same time, it has attracted many mainland buyers.Driven by mainland customers, in the first half of this year, Hong Kong has recorded 6117 "Putonghua Pinyin" buyers' trading registration, which is nearly 70 % from 3,667 in the same period last year.42%year -on -year, regardless of the transaction volume and the transaction value, a record high since 1995.

Data also shows that the proportion of buyers of "Putonghua Pinyin" in Hong Kong's property market has risen to 25%of its historical highest point.

Chen Yongjie, Vice Chairman and President of the Housing Department of the Central Pacific Real Estate Asia -Pacific region, said that the reason for choosing a home industry in Hong Kong is many aspects, including immigration settlement, investment opportunities and educational resources, etc., plus Hong Kong announced a comprehensive announcement of comprehensive announcementDedication, non -local buyers, including mainland customers, do not need to pay up to 30%spicy tax, and the cost of home business is greatly reduced.

He further said that when Hong Kong's property prices were relatively high, it had fallen by more than 25%."New Hong Kong people", and mainland customers went to Hong Kong to sweep their goods, so buyers of "General Pinyin" have recently emerged.

For the future market prediction, Chen Yongjie believes that as the rental return has risen in recent years, it is expected that more mainland funds will go to Hong Kong to realize.

On February 28 this year, Chen Maobo, the director of the Hong Kong Financial Secretary, issued a fiscal budget of the 2024 to 2025 fiscal budget, announcing the revocation of the management measures for the demand for residential properties commonly known as "spicy recruitment".In other words, all residential property transactions do not need to pay additional stamp duty, buyer stamp duty and new residential stamp duty.

According to, market institutions generally hold a relatively pessimistic attitude towards the trend of property prices in Hong Kong in the second half of the year.Real estate services and investment management companies released a report on Wednesday (July 10) that the property price index of second -hand private residential residential property in Hong Kong in the first five months of this year fell 1.7%. Due to the continued price reduction of the new market, the bank is expected to be expected to be in the second half of the year in the second half of the year.Hong Kong's property prices will fall by 7%to 8%, and the whole year of 2024 will fall by about 10%.