The new chairman of the Hong Kong Journalists Association Zheng Jiaru was fired by the Wall Street Journal, who was served.Zheng Jiaru pointed out that the Wall Street Journal had pressured and asked her not to run for the chairman of the Record Association and resigned as a director at the time.

Comprehensive reports of Bloomberg, the Guardian, Duan Media, and Voice of the United States, Selina Cheng held a press conference outside the Central Plaza of the Hong Kong Office of the Wall Street Journal Office on Wednesday (July 17).She said that as the first press conference held by the Hong Kong Journalists Association, she announced that she was "shocking" because she was fired because she was fired because she was fired as the chairman of the journalistic union. "

Zheng Jiaru is a senior reporter in Hong Kong. She has worked for the Wall Street Journal since 2022, mainly reporting in the Chinese automobile and energy industry.

Zheng Jiaru believes that the firing by the Wall Street Journal is related to her as the chairman of the Hong Kong Records Association on the 22nd last month, and said that the Wall Street Journal had pressured her and asked her not to run for the chairman of the Record Association.

Zheng Jiaru said that the role of the Wall Street Journal was notified by the Wall Street Journal, which was incompatible with her work on the Wall Street Journal.

Zheng Jiaru also revealed that as early as the eve of the election of the Association, her boss asked her to withdraw the election and also asked her to withdraw from the position of the original association's executive committee, but she was rejected.

Zheng Jiaru also said that the company told her that "the Wall Street Journal employees should not be regarded as advocating freedom of press in places like Hong Kong, although they can do this in Western countries that have established freedom of press."

Zheng Jiaru was fired on Wednesday morning.According to reports, Gordon Fairclough, editor -in -chief of the Wall Street Journal Edition, personally went to Hong Kong to convey the decision to Zheng Jiaru in person.Zheng Jiaru said that Felkraff pointed out that her work was canceled because of "architecture reorganization".

Zheng Jiaru said in a statement on Wednesday that the Wall Street Journal fired several reporters from the Hong Kong Branch in early May, but she continued to stay and emphasized that her scope of reporting is currently the most concerned about Asia.One of the fields.According to the Guardian, the Wall Street Journal plans to move Zheng Jiaru's position out of Hong Kong.

Zheng Jiaru referred to the Harmony Association to seek legal opinions, and considers that the Wall Street Journal may violate the Hong Kong employment regulations and Article 27 of the Basic Law on ensuring the protection of Hong Kong people's participation in the union and make a complaint.

A spokesman for the Wall Street Journal publisher, Dow Jones, confirmed that the above -mentioned personnel changes were made on Wednesday, but they refused to comment on specific individuals.The spokesman said: "The Wall Street Journal has always been a powerful and dare to talk about the freedom of press freedom in Hong Kong and around the world."For the election of the committee, Zheng Jiaru was approved by 100 votes to be elected as the chairman of the New Record Association and performed new on July 1.She has served as a member of the Executive Committee of the Record Association in 2021. She has worked at the Wall Street Journal in 2022. She was the honorary secretary and director of the Records Association before the election, but the Wall Street Journal did not intervene at the time.Earlier, Zheng Jiaru also worked in local media institutions such as the online media "Hong Kong 01".

The Hong Kong Journalists Association is the oldest journalist organization in Hong Kong.The official website information shows that the association has been implemented for many years and is committed to maintaining the freedom of journalism and journalism.

According to the AFP report in May, Emma Tucker, editor -in -chief of the Wall Street Journal, said in an internal notice on May 2, "Like many companies reported", Wall StreetDaily will transfer the focus of Asian operation from Hong Kong to Singapore.

Tucker said that the newspaper will set up a new business, financial and economic group in Singapore to report news in the Chinese stock market, real estate, and electric vehicles.

According to Ming Pao reports, some Hong Kong reporters will be transferred to Singapore or other parts of Asia, but many resident journalists and editors have been tied, and the number of fired people accounts for more than half of the current Hong Kong station. Since then, the newspaper is in Hong Kong.The number of people in the station has only one digit.

Tucker's email did not directly mention whether the relocation headquarters is related to the political environment or related national security laws of Hong Kong.However, the Ming Pao reported that many news workers in the newspaper said that they did not rule out that it was related to Hong Kong's recent situation.