The Hong Kong and Macau Government jointly launched a two -dimensional code service launched by the Hong Kong and Macao customs clearance, which will be opened on Friday (July 19).

Comprehensive reports of Hong Kong Radio and the Internet media "Hong Kong 01", etc., the Hong Kong Entry Department has cooperated with the Macau identity certificate bureau and the Public Security Police Department and other departments.Serve with QR code.

Guo Junfeng, Director of the Hong Kong Immigration Department, said at a press conference on Thursday (18th) that qualified Hong Kong residents can use the Macau's self -service channel to pass through the QR code of non -touch E -lane mobile applications;Qualified Macau residents can use a large -scale mobile application code to use the Hong Kong E -do self -service procedures without showing the physical ID card.

Guo Junfeng said that people in Hong Kong and Macao are frequent. Since 2009, residents of Hong Kong and Macao can use each other's entry and exit self -service channels.In the first half of this year, more than 3 million were used.

He emphasized that the new measures will bring a better travel experience for Hong Kong and Macao residents who use self -service customs clearance, further enhance the quality of entry and exit services in the two places, and cooperate with the major national strategy in the Greater Bay Area.

Zhou Weixing, director of the Macau identity certificate, said that new measures can create convenient customs clearance conditions for the development of "1+4" industries such as "1+4" industries such as people in the two places, and the development of the "1+4" industry.In the high -quality living circle of residential industry, Hong Kong and Macao will continue to study and optimize measures in the future to jointly strive to improve the convenience of Hong Kong and Macao residents.