Deng Bingqiang, director of the Hong Kong Security Bureau, said that under the current complex international geopolitical politics, Hong Kong often encounters unpalatable discreditation. The Hong Kong government needs to adopt a "soft response" method for confrontation. At the same time, "soft education" has been done for a long time., To enhance the consciousness of Hong Kong people and national identity.

Deng Bingqiang said in an exclusive interview published on Friday (July 5) that national security risks are still there, and it is said that external forces have discredited the implementation of the "one country, two systems" in Hong Kong, and used "soft confrontation" to incite instigatedHong Kong citizens.

He continued that in the face of unpalatable, the Hong Kong government needs to refute slander in time, but the most important thing is to adopt a "soft response" method to do "soft education" for a long time to enhance the citizens of Hong Kong citizens for a long time to enhance the citizens of Hong Kong citizensGuoan consciousness and national identity.

Deng Bingqiang said that citizens should understand that external forces to adopt "soft confrontation" to harm Hong Kong's security, and hope to start from culture and daily work, strengthen citizens' understanding of the country and Hong Kong, so that they can distinguish them not to distinguish whether they doConfirm the information, and understand the truth.

According to Hong Kong 01, Deng Bingqiang said in July last year that he did not agree with a remark that the SAR government's campaign to fight "soft confrontation" would kill Hong Kong's "soft power" and emphasize that he will continue to fight "Soft confrontation.He also denied that he was attributed to "soft confrontation" to control citizens' thoughts, and emphasized that the government must be in danger, and he must not take it lightly.

In April this year, Lin Dingguo, the director of the Hong Kong Department of Justice, accepted an exclusive interview with the South China Morning Post, and proposed to cultivate soft power to compete with "soft confrontation".He said that "soft confrontation" usually refers to a message of errors, misleading, and unfairness, including "Hong Kong is no longer an international financial center" and other remarks. It aims to create unnecessary fear.Blind "soft confrontation".

Lin Dingguo admits that the establishment of soft power to learn from the West. After all, Western countries have been very good at using their soft power in the past few decades.He emphasized that although government officials had said that they would fight "soft confrontation" in the past, they would not suppress the freedom of opinion the citizens expressed their opinions.He emphasized that the government would listen to criticism and opposition, and said that the first step of showing soft power can be refuted by refuting unrealistic information to enhance the confidence of citizens.