Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao said that with the growth of China in many aspects such as trade, laws, and construction, legal personnel in Hong Kong will have more space in the mainland.It will become more firm.

Comprehensive Sing Tao Daily and Hong Kong 01, etc., "2024 International Law Forum" was held on Friday (July 5) in the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center.The forum was opened.

Li Jiachao said during his speech that this year is the 70th anniversary of the "Five Principles of Peace Coexistence", and the traditional Chinese culture pays attention to "harmony as expensive" and "Confucian Wanbang", which is also co -advocated by many Asian countries.He said that this principle is still very important in the current turbulent world, laying a solid foundation for the progress of human peaceful development.

He continued to point out that many Asian countries have contributed to world peace. Hong Kong's selected as the location of the headquarters of the International Mediation Institute will also contribute to the peaceful resolution of international disputes.

Li Jiachao said that as the country grows liberalized in many aspects such as trade, law, and architecture, the "dual -cycle" strategy has continued to promote, and legal personnel from Hong Kong will have more space exhibitions on the mainland.Fist, Hong Kong's international legal center status will become more and more firm.

He pointed out that it is very supportive that Hong Kong's resolution of international disputes in non -resistance is very supportive. At the same timeGreat contribution.

In addition, Cui Jianchun said in his speech that the "five principles of peaceful coexistence" is an open and tolerant and universal application of international law principles.The ideological system that keeps pace and continuously develops has rich legal value, practical value and ideological value.

He said, "one country, two systems" is an innovative practice of using the principle of peaceful coexistence to solve the internal problems of the country.In the new era, the great practice of "one country, two systems" in Hong Kong has continuously enriched the connotation and development.

Cui Jianchun also said that multi -polarization progress is pursued by China. China also advocates an open and inclusive globalization process, firmly opposed protectionism, and to establish a human community.

He continued that Asian countries faced two different paths, one was a "Asian family" with win -win cooperation, and one was the individual of different regions of his conflict.He hopes that through Asia's contribution, the world can make the world a wider human community, and call for abandonment of the Cold War thinking, facing the crisis and handling disputes through a wide range of mechanisms.