The recovery speed of the Hong Kong economic epidemic is slow. The SAR government plans to develop a low -altitude economy to strengthen its competitiveness. At present, it is considering the first to carry goods and gradually develop from "near to far, light to heavy".

The "low -altitude economy" is a comprehensive economic activity based on aviation loading and operating equipment technology as the core, low -altitude airspace as the operating space, and relying on low -altitude flight.In recent years, mainland China has visited the "low -altitude economy" as a new growth engine. Many mainland cities in the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area have recently announced the planning plan for regional low -altitude economic development.

Sing Tao Daily quoted sources from the Hong Kong Government on Wednesday (July 3) that Hong Kong is also actively preparing for low -altitude economic layout to strengthen competitiveness.The Chief Executive Li Jiachao has instructed Huang Weilun, deputy director of the Financial Secretary, to coordinate cross -departmental work, coordinate the connection between multiple policy bureaus and departments, do a good job of infrastructure construction, aviation security regulations and technical requirements, and activate the low -altitude economic development.

Liao Zhenxin, the director of the Hong Kong Government's Acting Transport and Logistics Bureau, confirmed that the official meeting assigned a working group of the deputy director to coordinate the connection of multiple policy bureaus and departments.The bureau is working on the preliminary work, and more details will be announced later.

Liao Zhenxin said that the layout of the low -altitude economy is a huge systematic project that requires cooperation in different areas, including regulations, aviation security policy formulation, technology research and development, infrastructure supporting, land planning and commercial applications.The Transport and Logistics Bureau has always worked closely with relevant policy bureaus and departments to cooperate and remove walls in different policies to help promote the development of low -altitude economy.

Liao Zhenxin pointed out that because different application scenarios have different requirements for the loading, range, speed, time, operation reliability and safety of aircraft, the Hong Kong government will gradually implement the low -altitude economic pilot project.

He said: "As a security consideration, manned aircraft risk is much higher than cargo risk. At present, we hope to start with drones, nearly far, light to heavy, gradually expanding, rich and advanced and advanced"Sitrius"

Liao Zhenxin pointed out that new large -scale land development projects such as the new development area of ​​the northern metropolitan area and the Zaizhou artificial island can provide a large amount of land and space, such as sufficient resting land, community and commercial land.Land and space demand for economic related facilities.In order to promote the land or infrastructure demand required by the low -altitude economy, these new development areas are fully conditional.

At the meeting, many Legislative Councilors made different suggestions on the development of the low -altitude economy.Among them, Huang Jinhui, a member of the Election Commission, suggested that the Hong Kong Government tried low -altitude transportation in the Luimazhou River Set area; Wu Yongjia, a member of the industry, said that Kowloon and Hong Kong Island flew to the Pearl River.scholar".

Li Zhaobo, a honorary teaching and research person in the Institute of Asia -Pacific Industry and Commerce, Chinese University of Business School, said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that Hong Kong's place is small and the development of low -altitude economy is more difficult.It is not too economical to operate.

Li Zhaobo believes that the Hong Kong government can choose several locations for testing, but the development of the low -altitude economy requires the coordination efforts of different government departments. From the perspective of the previous garbage collection plan, this is the weakest part of the official.

Earlier, Yan Gang, a member of the Hong Kong Legislative Council, and Ge Yifan, a member of the Democratic Construction Federation, have proposed to officials and chief executives Li Jiachao on different occasions of the Legislative Council.However, officials have expressed a lot of problems, such as air management policy and law, Hong Kong's small high -rise buildings, and the construction of drone signal launch stations.