Italian Prime Minister Mello is reported that it will be ended at the end of July in July July.Leading the political and business delegation to visit China, this will be the first time she announced the withdrawal of the Belt and Road to China last year.

According to the Hong Kong South China Morning Post on Thursday (July 4), people familiar with the matter are quoted, and Melonney is expected to visit China from July 29th to 30th.Next, Italian President Matarera will also visit China in November.

According to the Italian News Network Agenzia Nova, Italian Minister of Commerce and Manufacturing Adolfo Urso has arrived in Beijing for two days on Thursday (4th).

The Ministry of Commerce and Manufacturing of Italy stated in the press release that the trip aims to promote the balance of China -China relations and lay the foundation for the new path of industrial cooperation between the two countries.

Ulso revealed at a press conference held in Beijing on Thursday that he had held meetings with high -level industrial and commercial high -level industrial and commercial executives such as Gu Yifeng, Chairman of China City Industry Group, and Yin Tongyue, Chairman of Chery Automobile.

He said that the Italian government believes that it is now a "suitable time" for establishing technology and industrial partnerships with Chinese enterprises, especially in cooperation in the field of green and electric vehicles to establish a production platform.

Uluso is expected to meet with officials such as the Minister of Industry and Informatization Jin Zhuanglong and the Secretary of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee Yin Li on Friday (5th).

Italy was the only member of the Seventh -way Group in the Belt and Road Initiative of China, but Rome decided to withdraw from the plan at the end of last year.Since then, Italy has tried to repair the relationship with China through a charm offensive.

The Italian Ambassador to China Amboss told the South China Morning Post in March this year that Italy's withdrawal from the Belt and Road Initiative does not affect the relationship between the Italian.