After the Hong Kong government "grab the enterprise, grab talents" after the crown disease epidemic, it has begun to see results.In the first half of this year, the Hong Kong Investment and Promotion Department assisted 322 mainland China and overseas companies to go to Hong Kong to open or expand its business, an increase of 43%year -on -year.

The Hong Kong Investment Promotion Agency issued a 2024 mid -term work report on Tuesday (July 2), pointing out that the 322 companies introduced this time are from 33 economies, and China continues to be the largest source market.47%; followed by 30 in the United States, 19 Britain, 18 Singapore, and 15 France.

According to industry distribution, 77 companies are financial services and fintech, 61 family members are innovation and technology, 52 family members are family offices, 33 family members are business and professional services, and 29 members are consumer products.

The Hong Kong Investment Promotion Agency predicts that the establishment or expansion of these 322 companies in Hong Kong will create more than 3,500 positions for Hong Kong, an increase of 44%over the same period last year, and bringing as much as HK $ 38.2 billion (S $ 6.6 billion).Total investment.

Liu Kaixuan, the director of the Hong Kong Investment Promotion Department, expressed his joy on the continuous rise in relevant figures at a press conference on Tuesday.She said: "I think this is the achievement of a number of factors, including the gradual recovery of the global economy, and the state's continuous support for Hong Kong, so as to accelerate the pace of corporate expansion of Hong Kong business."

Liu Kaixuan pointed out that the Investment Promotion Department will continue to promote the advantages of Hong Kong in the second half of the year. Among them, financial services, innovation technology and family offices will be a relatively popular industry.In addition, the department will also strengthen the promotion of strategic markets around the world, including Southeast Asia, the Middle East and North Africa regions, and use the advantages of Hong Kong as a "super contact person" and "super -value -added person".

Chinese central government announced that non-Chinese Hong Kong and Macau permanent residents can apply for a return certificate , Liu Kaixuan saidForeign chambers of commerce have a very positive response to new measures. Many overseas companies have settled in Hong Kong for many years. Many foreign executives live in Hong Kong, and they have even become permanent residents of Hong Kong. New policies can help facilitate business exchanges and attract talents.

Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao revealed before attending the Executive Meeting on Tuesday that knowing that relevant measures are quite popular, and they are almost full in online appointments.The official will continue to negotiate with Chinese travel agencies, making the overall operation more smooth, and will also reflect the opinions to the central government.

Li Jiachao said that this measure is a policy innovation that takes care of the permanent residents of Hong Kong who are not Chinese.Officials understand that many non -Chinese permanent residents have contributed to Hong Kong for many years, and can also contribute to the construction of the Greater Bay Area and the overall development of the country. The official cherishes the contribution of these people in Hong Kong.He believes that this measure can increase the flow of people between the two places and bring benefits to both parties.

Cai Sixing, a lecturer of the General Scholar of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that the Hong Kong Government proposed the goal of introducing about 1,100 companies from 2023 to 2025.The grade is quite ideal.He believes that this is inseparable from the active and high -level "grabbing enterprise" policy since 2023, and has changed the myth of the past Hong Kong Government in economic development. It is a gratifying development direction.

Cai Sixing pointed out that the profit tax rate for estimated taxes in Hong Kong currently does not exceed HK $ 2 million is 8.25%, and more than 2 million Hong Kong dollars is 16.5%.In order to attract more foreign companies to invest in Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Government should further reduce the tax rate.In addition, the official should also formulate a set of plans to attract local students to enter public universities and stay in Hong Kong after graduation for the Middle East and Southeast Asia.This helps strengthen the diversification of the Hong Kong's human market, thereby attracting enterprises in relevant regions to settle in Hong Kong in the long run.