There are two women in mainland China who are arrested for entering the School of Economics and Management of the University of Hong Kong for suspected fake academic qualifications.

Comprehensive reports of the Hong Kong Sing Tao Daily, etc., the School of Economics and Management of the University of Hong Kong revealed that a few master students applied for enrollment with a fake education at the end of May this year.The incident made new progress on Thursday (July 4), and the Hong Kong police confirmed that two mainland women involved were arrested.

It is reported that the police have received multiple complaints earlier that there are mainland students who use fake education to enter the University of Hong Kong. When the police were questioned on Thursday, after investigation by the Western Police District, the policeTwo mainland women were arrested on July 3rd, and they were suspected of exercising false documents and fake descriptions to the staff of the Immigration Department.

The police reported that the 24 -year -old woman had been in the Eastern Region Magistrate Court on June 24. The case was after the case until August 20; the 34 -year -old woman was detained for investigation.It is reported that both of them were Hong Kong University and were arrested when they held a two -way certificate.

The School of Economics and Management of the University of Hong Kong is currently investigating the authenticity of the academic qualifications of the master's degree. The dean of the School of Management Cai Hongbin said in an interview with the mainland media that the hospital launched a comprehensive thorough investigation in May this year.Hong Kong's master's degree students are all true.

Cai Hongbin said that the 30 cases found this time mainly involved the fake education of overseas colleges, all of which are Chinese students. The intermediaries suspected of fake fake education are from overseas or mainland.Involved in any Hong Kong intermediary agency.According to calculations, 80 to 100 students may be enrolled in 80 to 100 students.