The Central Government of China will give another pair of pandas to Hong Kong, and the Hong Kong government has launched a docking work with the mainland.

Comprehensive Ming Daily, Sing Tao Daily and Da Ocean reported that Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao met with reporters before attending the Executive Council on Tuesday (July 2) to answer questions about pandas.

Li Jiachao said that the relevant departments have already launched a docking work with the mainland. Representatives from the Hong Kong Government will go to Sichuan to discuss with relevant units.

I was asked about the details of the two giant pandas, such as gender, specific time to go to Hong Kong, etc., Li Jiachao said that this involves multiple procedures and has proposed to the Cultural and Sports Travel Service as soon as possible.Docking, he understands that everyone is looking forward to it, and it will be announced as soon as they have details.

In 1999, in order to celebrate the second anniversary of the return of Hong Kong, the Central Government of China presented a pair of giant pandas in Hong Kong called "Jiajia" and "An An"; in 2007, to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the return of Hong Kong, ChinaThe central government gave a pair of giant pandas again to Hong Kong, named "Lele" and "Yingying".