Zeng Guowei, director of the Hong Kong Political Affairs and Mainland Affairs Bureau, said that the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government will promote patriotic education, constitution and basic law in a soft and impressive manner, and will not adopt tough means.

According to the Hong Kong Sing Tao Daily report on Tuesday (July 2), Zeng Guowei said in an exclusive interview with the media that the Hong Kong government set up a patriotic education work group that hopes that the group can use soft promotion and subtle way to improve Hong Kong.Citizens understand the country, thereby strengthening the sense of belonging and pride in the country, and finally sublimated to a strong patriotic feeling, to protect the country spontaneously, and safeguard the country's sovereignty, security and development interests.

He emphasized that "the emotions from the inner heart are the most reliable and the longest." The official will strengthen the promotion work from various levels such as culture, politics and economic and economic.

In order to further promote the constitution and basic law to the Hong Kong citizens, the Hong Kong Political Affairs Bureau launched the latest theme song wings on June 15th, inviting young singer Yan Mingyu and the "Gongchuang Teen" choir to sing.Focus on the market of young people.

Zeng Guowei said, "What are the regulations on the Basic Law of the Basic Law", but use a soft method to let everyone feel the country's love for Hong Kong and how it is closely related to the Basic Law.

He said that this song was written by the members of the Political Bureau and encouraged the public to pay attention to the content of the lyrics, such as "You can hold your dreams along the road and hug your dreams and hope" "I am basically in the basics."Flee", etc., will help reverse the stereotypes or hard -selling image promoted by the government in the past.

The Hong Kong Government established the "Patriotic Education Working Group" under the Constitution and Basic Law Promotion and Supervision Committee in April this year. The group held its first meeting on April 29.Chen Guoji, director of the Government Affairs Department of the Chairman of the Supervisory Committee, said that patriotism education is not related to death. The official will promote the national history and culture in a soft manner, so that Hong Kong citizens have recognition of the country and then consciously protect the country.

Deng Fei, a member of the Hong Kong Legislative Council, previously suggested that the Hong Kong Government should shoot the national security version of the Infernal Affairs to promote the national security concept of Hong Kong in a soft way.