Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao announced at the 27th anniversary celebration of Hong Kong that a pair of giant pandas presented to Hong Kong will arrive in Hong Kong in the next few months.

Comprehensive Hong Kong Radio, Hong Kong 01 and Ming Pao reported that the Hong Kong Government held a flag -raising ceremony and reception at the Golden Bauhinia Square and the Convention and Exhibition Center on Monday (July 1) to celebrate the 27th anniversary of the return of Hong Kong.Li Jiachao, Zheng Yanxiong, Director of the Hong Kong China United Office, Liang Zhenying, former Chief Executive Liang Zhenying, Zeng Yinquan and Lin Zhengyue, and the heads of the central Hong Kong agencies and people from all walks of life in Hong Kong attended.

Li Jiachao said at the reception that the policies of the SAR government in the past two years have been effective., Only better. "

He believes that Hong Kong has ushered in the best development opportunity of governance and prosperity., Unicom World ", consolidate their own systems and competitiveness, and actively integrate into the overall national development situation, develop and consolidate the eight central positions of Hong Kong, and develop in the north of the metropolitan area as a new engine to actively connect with the development of national development and actively connect with national developmentStrategies to seize the opportunity of the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area and the Belt and Road Initiative.

Li Jiachao continues to consolidate Hong Kong's advantages as an international city, maintain highly internationalization, strengthen regional cooperation to continue to open up Asian security, the Middle East and other markets, and increase connection with Western markets such as Europe.

Li Jiachao announced that Hong Kong would usher in a pair of giant pandas before summing up his speech.He thanked the central government for giving a pair of giant pandas to Hong Kong, saying that it fully showed their concern and support for the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. It also said that this year is the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, and giant pandas are of great significance to Hong Kong.

He said that the two pairs of giant pandas have gained from generation to generation with generations of giant pandas grew up, which belongs to the collective memories of citizens.The pair of giant pandas will also become the intimate "family" of Hong Kong people in the next few months, bringing laughter and joy, so that social unity will create more brilliant results for Hong Kong.

According to the Hong Kong Government News Communist Party, the Hong Kong Government has carried out docking with the Hong Kong and Macau Office and the China State Forestry Bureau to discuss the arrangements of giant pandas to Hong Kong.The Hong Kong Government will immediately prepare to ensure that marine parks do a good job of taking care of giant pandas, and will timely announce the details of giant pandas to Hong Kong.