July 1 this year is the 27th anniversary of the return of Hong Kong and the establishment of the SAR. Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao published a signature article saying that the system of "one country, two systems" has been long for a long time, and Hong Kong will inevitably realize the governance.

According to the Hong Kong Newsletter, Li Jiachao published a signature article on Monday (July 1) since Hong Kong's return since the return of the "one country, two systems" practice has achieved world -renowned great achievements.

Li Jiachao said that in the 27 years of the return of Hong Kong, the "one country, two systems" is not only the best solution to solve the Hong Kong issue left by history, but also the best institutional arrangement for Hong Kong to maintain long -term prosperity and stability.Essence

He said: "We will continue to fully, accurate, unswervingly implement the" one country, two systems ', "Hong Kong people governing Hong Kong', and highly autonomous policy, maintain the long -term prosperity and stability of Hong Kong, and make the oriental pearl in Hong Kong more shine more."Hui"

Li Jiachao said that now Hong Kong has completely ended the history of maintaining national security and defense, bid farewell to turbulence, and fully implemented the principle of "Patriot Governing Hong Kong".The best period for development.

He said that the national security law of Hong Kong is the law of preservation of safety, the law of protecting development, and protecting the people's livelihood.For very few people who endanger national security, this law is a high sword; for the majority of Hong Kong citizens and foreign investors, this law is the "protection god" that protects its rights, freedom, property and investment.

Li Jiachao continued to say that for a long time after returning, the gate of Hong Kong was open, but the thieves and friends could not be identified together. Now Hong Kong seems to have installed a precise "security system".Protect friends.After building a stabilization of the national security barrier, Hong Kong showed a safer, more free, more open, and more predictable business environment to the world. Global investors can rest assured that they can go to Hong Kong to invest in their business, and Hong Kong's development is even more powerful.

He said that he has long adhered to the system of "one country, two systems", gives full play to the unique advantages of "back to the motherland and the world of China Unicom", and actively integrates into the overall national development situation, and injects the endless development momentum for Hong Kong.Hong Kong can inevitably achieve governance and Xing.

Li Jiachao said, the "one country, two systems" have experienced a comprehensive practice and test of 27 years.How much risk -resistant, with the support of the country's strong backing, Hong Kong has become stronger with the joint efforts of all citizens.The road of reform has no adequate journey.Li Jiachao said that the innovation of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region is not afraid of hardships and dangers. He has carried forward the cause of "one country, two systems", contributed to the high -quality development of China and Hong Kong, and contributing to the great cause of the Chinese nation.