(Hong Kong Comprehensive News) Li Jiachao, the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, said in an exclusive interview with the Hong Kong media that the completion of Article 23 of the Basic Law is the deepest and most satisfied policy of his last two anniversary, but still beware of overseasPolitical risks.

According to Sing Tao Daily on Wednesday (June 26), Li Jiachao said in an interview that the two years, 8 months and 19 days later, The Hong Kong Government finally completed 23 legislative work , which is" milestone results ".Most of the political work of the SAR Government has been completed, and it can be fully developed.

However, Li Jiachao reminded, "A very solid door, a very effective lock, does not mean that no gangsters will want to break into their homes to steal things, 'explodes' (theft of the room)", and society must still be vigilant.

He said that the current national security risks in Hong Kong are mainly overseas. Foreign countries may be targeted at China based on political reasons, which will affect Hong Kong.These countries often have confusion through agents to carry out the security of other countries.He reiterated that Hong Kong society cannot "have a good scar to forget the pain", and society needs to be highly alert, and the government will also improve citizens' awareness through patriotic education and national security education.

23 after legislation, Hong Kong is criticized by Western countries Hong Kong EssenceRegarding how to deal with relations with Europe and the United States, Li Jiachao said that any government officials are not interested in often talking about political issues. "Only when others attack, we need to tell them the truth. Usually we hope to come to Hong Kong to invest, develop business, travel, and travel.Wait. "

When talking about the economy, Li Jiachao said, The Hong Kong government promotes the event economy.A>, cooperation with the business community has driven the popularity. The government belongs to the role of "setting up" and is made by the business community. He also saw that many business circles are in the transition period.

He admits that the economic transition period will definitely go through the wait -and -see period, "there may be some uncomfortable feelings in their hearts."However, there are many successful businessmen in Hong Kong, and there must be a way to face difficulties.

Hong Kong is expected to be held at least 210 events throughout the year, but some voices have questioned that there are too many events.Li Jiachao responded to this that he fully understood society's concerns and thought that "quality" and "quantity" were equally important, but there were steps for boosting the economic process.Hong Kong experienced the two challenges of "black storms" and epidemic in 2019. Many economic categories have to double their efforts and re -develop them.

Li Jiachao believes that "quantity" is the primary condition. Only when there is a quantity and quality. When a certain base is established, the conditions are further detailed.He likes to run a restaurant. "First of all, let it be filled, otherwise there will be no conditions to" choose customers' ".When you are full and start in line, think about what dishes are high -value, and even think about whether the minimum consumption of the VIP room can be improved.