Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao said that the reform of political system is not a priority process of the current Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government.

Comprehensive Ming Daily and Sing Tao Daily reported that the current government has been in office to the twoth anniversary, and Li Jiachao Super Tuesday (June 25) was asked before attending the conference, and was asked about the key points of administration of the remaining term.

Li Jiachao said that the government has completed the 23 legislation and improvement of regional governance of the Basic Law. In the future, it will focus on the development of the economy and improve the people's livelihood. He reiterates that the reform of political system is not priority to this government.

Li Jiachao said that Hong Kong must seize the dual opportunities of the country and international.Among them, the national rapid development brought opportunities to Hong Kong, including the 14th Five -Year Plan, the construction of the Greater Bay Area, and the Belt and Road Initiative. As for international opportunities, it includes coming to join RCEP and developing new markets.He said that Hong Kong must invest in economic development in all aspects and give full play to his advantages.

In addition, the 27th anniversary of the return of Hong Kong is approaching. When asked if there will be a July 1 parade this year, Li Jiachao said that citizens have a normal opinion on different things.After the society has experienced the "Hong Kong Edition Color Revolution" in 2019, it will cherish the current safe and stable situation.

He said that the police will carry out public security management according to actual needs to prevent reappearance of past experience, such as public activities being robbed.