The withdrawal effect of the withdrawal of the property market in the Hong Kong government has gradually weakened, and the Hong Kong property price index has turned down.

Comprehensive Ming Pao and the Hong Kong Radio website reported that the Hong Kong Missing Department was announced on Wednesday (June 26), and the private residential price index in May was reported at 305.9 points, a monthly decrease of 1.23%, and the two -month rising two -month rising roseTop, fell 12.7%year -on -year.

In the first five months of this year, Hong Kong's property prices fell 1.73%.

Among them, small and medium -sized and large units fell together, down about 1.3%and about 1.2%monthly, respectively, and fell 12.7%and 9.8%year -on -year.

Rental rising for three months, an increase of about 1%monthly, an annual increase of about 5.1%.The cumulative rents in the first five months of this year rose 1.6%.