In order to meet the needs of citizens, the number of personal travel places for Sha Tau Kok in Hong Kong will increase from July to 2,300 daily.

The Hong Kong Security Bureau announced on Monday (June 24) on the Facebook page. In response to the needs of Shatoujiao's personal tour, the Security Bureau will try to increase personal travel quota to 2,300 daily.Citizens who are interested in visiting Shatoujiao can apply for online platform for the Police Office's Electronic Border Ran District.Personal travelers must not drive private cars into the sand corner.Visitors must show the electronic or paper version of the restricted area license and identity certificate when entering and leaving the corner.

The second phase of the Hong Kong Shatoujiao Insurance Zone (except outside Zhongying Street) starts from New Year's Day this year (January 1), and limited 1,000 tourists to apply for permit per day.Daily limited places, including 700 travel group passengers and 300 individual tourists.Personal travelers must take public transportation into Shatoujiao and must not enter.

Deng Bingqiang, director of the Hong Kong Security Bureau, revealed last September that it will launch the second phase of the Shatoujiao Note Zone Open Plan early this year, so that citizens can visit places outside Zhongying Street.

The Sha Tau Kok has been listed as the border penalty area for more than 70 years. Since June 2022, it has local openings. In the first stage, the tour group allows tour groups to visit Shatoujiao Pier and designated area, including Zhongying Street.Zhongying Street is the Shatoujiao boundary line. It is managed by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and Shenzhen Yantian District Government in their respective jurisdictions. If they want to enter, residents of both places need to apply for a pass.