Reuters quoted people familiar with the matter, saying that Peru's request to cancel an exclusive right to operate a Chinese enterprise in Peru, a Chinese enterprise in President Xi Jinping, in the meeting with President Xi Jinping, which aims to be the leaders of the two countries.Before the meeting, relieve tension.

The Peruvian government seeks the exclusive operating right of the Chinese central enterprise Zhongyuan Shipping in the Peruvian super large port Qian Ka Ka Ka Kaka in March this year.

Reuters on Wednesday (June 26) quoted a person close to a person close to Peru's National Port Affairs Bureau.Request.

It is reported that the move is designed to relieve the tension atmosphere for the meeting between the leaders of China Secrets.

According to China CCTV News, Peru's President Bolu Altt arrived in Shenzhen on Tuesday (June 25) to start a five -day visit to China.

Chinese President Xi Jinping will hold talks with Bolu Alt. Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiang and Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress Zhao Leji will meet with her.Bolu Alt will also visit Huawei and BYD in Shenzhen to hold talks with the senior management of the COSCO Shipping Group in Shanghai.

COSCO Shipping acquired 60%of Peru's Qian Ka Ka Kaka in 2019 and invested 9.4 billion yuan (S $ 1.752 billion) to build. The first phase of the port project project is expected to be completed by the end of this year.

The U.S. government has criticized the exclusive operating rights of Qian Ka Ka, Peru's authorization of the Championship.According to VOA, COSCO Shipping and Qian Kaaka's agreement appeared before the twists and turns in March.

Report also said that Qian Kaaka is the largest Belt and Road project in Peru, and it is also a manifestation of the dominance of trade dominance in Latin America.