A Boeing 777 Passenger plane in Cathay Pacific, Hong Kong, suddenly occurred from Paris, Paris, France, and suddenly returned to Dai Gogho Airport after taking off from Paris, France. The incident did not cause casualties.

Comprehensive network media "Hong Kong 01", bus newspaper, etc., the model involved is the Boeing 777-367ER passenger aircraft, registered for B-KQM.At 7:30 pm on Wednesday (1:30 pm in France), the plane was flying from Paris to Hong Kong.

The news said that less than an hour after the guest plane was taken off, the captain found that the plane failed after taking off and suspected that the flap was faulty, so he immediately announced an emergency to the Tower and asked to return to Dai Gaole to return to Dai Gaole.Airport.

After the captain announced an emergency at 8:23, the plane hovered a lot in France, and then coordinated at 9:13 at the 26R runway of the Da Goghle Airport and returned to the berth to check.

It is understood that because the passenger plane needs to fly for more than 13 hours to return to Hong Kong, a large amount of fuel is injected into the aircraft.If the direct landing may be dangerous due to the overweight of the aircraft, it is necessary to hover oil in the air to ensure that the body's weight meets the safety before landing.

The wing is a active component located on the wing to change the arc of the section to enhance the lift of the aircraft.When the aircraft takes off or falls or flight speeds, the flap is needed to increase the lift to determine the safety of flight.The wings need to be put away in time after the plane takes off to avoid hindering flying.

Cathay Pacific ’s replies in the inquiry that flight CX260 from Paris to Hong Kong was suspected of faults during the voyage during sailing.The incident did not cause the crew or passengers to be injured. At present, the engineers are checking the passenger plane.