Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao accepted an exclusive interview with the Hong Kong media on the second anniversary of taking office that the completion of Article 23 of the Basic Law is the policy that has the deepest and most satisfied policy since taking office, but it is still necessary to prevent political risks from overseas.Because of the harm of national security behavior, it is confusing.

According to Sing Tao Daily on Wednesday (June 26), Li Jiachao said in an interview that after the 26 years, 8 months and 19th, 23 legislative work was finally completed."The major political work of this government has been completed, and the economic development can be fully struggled.However, he also reminded: "A very solid door and an effective lock, it does not mean that no gangsters will want to break into the house to steal things, 'burst" (theft of the room), "the society must still be vigilant.

He said that the current national security risks in Hong Kong mainly come from overseas. Foreign countries may be targeted at China based on political reasons, which will affect Hong Kong.It is usually confusing. "Of course, the spy will not tell you that you are a spy, and you will definitely lurk in another identity. This risk exists." He reiterated that society cannot "have forgotten the pain."

When asked about the current risk of "soft confrontation", Li Jiachao believes that it is necessary to maintain a high degree of alertness, and the government will also increase citizens' awareness through patriotism education and national security education.

For the specific strategy of rejuvenating the economy in Hong Kong, Li Jiachao said that there are three main influencing factors in the GDP of Hong Kong, which are investment, consumption and goods exports.The chains are affected by peripheral factors, and the government's initiative is low.Investment is mainly divided into government and private investment. The latter has its own ideas because of its own ideas, and the government's influence is not the largest, but it shows that government investment will continue to increase.Xinyuan), which is more than 17%more than in the past five years, will help promote future development.

In terms of consumption, the retail and catering markets in Hong Kong in recent months have failed, and the stores are emerging.Li Jiachao said that whether the locals and foreigners consume, the government attaches the same attention. He quoted data that the first five months of Hong Kong's fifth months of this year increased by 78%year -on -year, of which mainland passengers increased by 73%, while some Southeast Asian countries such as the Philippines and ThailandThe trend is more ideal.Among them, the satisfaction of travelers in Hong Kong in the first quarter of this year, with 10 points and 8.8 points, 95%of the people expressed their willingness to visit Hong Kong.He believes that coupled with the continued improvement of flight volume, hotels, catering and other supporting facilities, the multiplication effect can be used to drive consumption.

Li Jiachao pointed out that the government promotes the event economy and cooperates with the business community to drive popularity. The government belongs to the role of "setting up". Specifically, it is done by the business community. He also sees that many business circles are in the transition period.He admits that the economic transition period will definitely go through the wait -and -see period. "Some people may feel uncomfortable", but there are many successful merchants in Hong Kong, and there must be a way to meet the difficulties.Successfully overcome difficulties.He quoted the recent annual report of World Competitiveness in 2024. Hong Kong has risen to the fifth place in the world. The "government efficiency" has ranked among the top three in the world, proving that the general direction of government policies is correct.

For the government's promotion of the economy, there is a sound that it is too difficult to focus on the event.Li Jiachao said that he fully understood society's concerns, and also believed that "quality" and "quantity" were equally important, but there were steps for boosting the economic process. Hong Kong experienced the two challenges of "black storms" and epidemic in 2019. Many economic categories must be doubled.Work hard and re -develop.He pointed out that in the process, "quantity" is the primary condition. When a certain amount of base is established, the conditions are further refined, and the operation of a restaurant is metaphorically. "The first is to make it full.If you want to queue up, think about what dishes are high -value, and even think about whether the minimum consumption of the VIP room can be improved.