Hong Kong media reported that the deputies of the National People's Congress of the Hong Kong District planned to go to Henan for a week in September this year to promote the integration of cultural tourism.

According to Sing Tao Daily on Friday (June 21), when the Hong Kong History Museum vigorously promotes patriotic education and promotes Chinese culture, the Hong Kong History Museum is holding the "Heaven and Earth -Henan Xiaeshang Wednesday Generation on Wednesday.The "Civilization Exhibition" Special Exhibition, selects the collection of more than 10 cultural institutions in Henan Museum and the province, exhibited more than 150 cultural relics, such as bronze, jade, bone bone, etc., and introduced the ruins of important city sites in Henan Province, as well as the three generations of politics in Henan Province, Social appearance.

Henan is located in the hinterland of the Central Plains. From the pre -history period, after the Xia, Shang, Zhou, Han and Tang dynasties, and even the Northern Song Dynasty, it was an important political and economic center in history.The historical building complex of the "heaven and earth" in the city has long been listed as the World Heritage Site.

It is reported that after Hong Kong's policy report last year proposed to promote the promotion of the Chinese Cultural Office, the exhibition was the first "China General History Series" project under the collaboration between the History Museum and the promotion of the office.

Zhou Haoding, vice chairman of the Hong Kong -owned Party DPP Federation, said that the special session of the Cultural Heritage Exhibition will help the Civil Construction Federation and the representatives of different national consular and chamber of commerce to promote the exchanges of the Unicom world, especially to understand Chinese culture aspects.And believe that this is definitely helpful for establishing long -term relationships.

According to the rumors of the DAB's summer vacation, Zhou Haoding said that any activities that promote civil exchanges between China and France will consider that the Sino -French historical and cultural exhibition is currently preparing.At the important day of the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations, let Hong Kong citizens understand more culture and origin of China and France.

It is reported that the deputies of the National People's Congress of the Hong Kong District plan to go to Henan for a week in September this year. The current specific days and itinerary need to be determined.

Some representatives of the Hong Kong people's congress said that promoting the integration of cultural tourism, understanding of transportation hubs, population policies, and Zhengzhou Foxconn Factory are all interested projects.He believes that Hong Kong must promote Chinese culture and to Henan, which has rich cultural heritage, and hopes that Hong Kong can learn from it and conceive how to promote cultural tourism and patriotism education.