Cui Jianchun, a special agent from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Hong Kong, has criticized the thoughts, values ​​and thinking methods of many American politicians.) "" ".

Comprehensive Network Media "Hong Kong 01" and Hong Kong Commercial Radio reported that Hong Kong Education Director Cai Ruolian and Hong Kong Primary and Secondary School Presidents visited the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Hong Kong to listen to the international situation andChinese diplomatic lecture.

When responding to the question of reporters, Cui Jianchun questioned that American politicians only paid attention to a few "democrats", regardless of the dislike of 7.5 million Hong Kong citizens and 1.4 billion Chinese people.They are not only "dual standards", but also "double-dealing".

Cui Jianchun said that Hong Kong implements the Hong Kong National Security Law and maintains national security regulations, and it is understandable to safeguard national sovereignty, security and development benefits.He attacked many American politicians "thinking, values, and ways of thinking still did not keep up with the time of the times. I was polite; politely, they did get mental illness.

Cui Jianchun has not named the judge after leaving office to criticize the rule of law in Hong Kong, thinking that this is irresponsible and dual standards.He emphasized that the judge should put his occupation in the first place. The law is good or bad, which is the responsibility of the legislature.

He also said: "Some countries may look at us with colored glasses. I think it is normal, and there is no need to have a fuss, including different opinions from us.Democrats may have different views, and we must be confident.The more obvious tendency to come to the political objection of crushing peace with national security laws, not only to deal with riots, but also said that Hong Kong's rule of law is facing serious danger.