Hong Kong's economy continues to be sluggish. In May, the number of personal application for bankruptcy increased to 871, the highest in more than two years.Scholars of interviewees believe that the worst situation in Hong Kong may not have passed.

The latest quarterly unemployment rate announced by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government on Thursday (June 20) remained at 3%, almost employment.However, the latest data released by the Bankruptcy Management Agency on Friday shows that there were 871 personal bankruptcy in May, an increase of 17.39%monthly, and the annual increase was nearly 35%. It was a single month high since April 2022.In the first five months of this year, Hong Kong's personal bankruptcy was submitted from 3797, an increase of 25%over the same period last year.

In terms of company, the Hong Kong Bankruptcy Management Agency received 61 compulsory liquidation signaling in May, a decrease of about 8%from April, but an increase of about 85%year -on -year.The court issued by the court in May or the bankruptcy order was 624, a decrease of 27%from April, and a year -on -year decrease of more than 8%.

The Hong Kong Financial Affairs and Treasury Bureau responded in the social media post that the number of personal bankruptcy submitted in May this year is more than April, and the company's clearing presentation is less than April.The data of the month, the number of individual bankruptcy and the company's liquidation cases decreased compared to March, reflecting that even in the same quarter, the single -month personal bankruptcy and the company's liquidation numbers fluctuated."

The bureau emphasized that the local GDP in Hong Kong in the first quarter increased by 2.7%year -on -year, and the unemployment rate remained at a low level of 3%, and the inflation continued to be mild.Various data show that the macroeconomic situation in Hong Kong is steadily good, and it is expected that Hong Kong's economy has grown 2.5%to 3.5%this year.With the promotion of a number of favorable factors, the official confidence in the future of the Hong Kong economy will continue to combine the "governments" and "high -efficiency markets" to further enhance Hong Kong's competitiveness and let Hong Kong develop to a new level.

Zhuo Zhede, the executive director of the Global Economic and Financial Research Institute of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, said that the current unemployment rate in Hong Kong is still low, and the opportunity for bankruptcy to cause bankruptcy is relatively low. It is estimated that the increase in personal bankruptcy is related to the depreciation of assets and wealth management.

Zhuang Pacific quantity said: "Some investors or businesses may buy assets such as shops at a high level. The price of houses has fallen by more than 20 % now. If the shops have fallen by half, the banks will be tightly collected, and it may not be able to afford it."However, he believes that the number of personal bankruptcy is invited to go through 1,000, because the unemployment rate in Hong Kong continues to be low, and the property market has not seen a sharp decline as a whole.

Zhuangtai also pointed out that individual industries in Hong Kong, such as the slow recovery industry, are slower, but the hotels and insurance industry performed well. I believe that the company's liquidation will not be worse than the Asian financial turmoil.As the number of travelers going to Hong Kong is rising, the United States may reduce interest rates in the second half of the year, and the Hong Kong economy may have a stronger rebound.

However, Li Zhaobo, a honorary teaching and research person in the Asia -Pacific Business Institute of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that the worst situation in Hong Kong has passed, and it may be too early.For individuals, the high interest rate of banks in the past two years is the main reason for bankruptcy, and the current interest rate of house supply is still very high.

But he also pointed out that Hong Kong's economy has recovered slowly. "Before two years after the epidemic, some companies couldn't stand it. In the early days, we saw that the clearing of the liquidation has risen.If the industry's economic situation does not improve much, there may be some slight increase in the number of bankruptcy in early next year.