In response to the constant political storm of the University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao said that preliminary investigations found that there are problems such as high -level positions in high -level positions inside Hong Kong for many years and frequent replacement. The situation is not ideal.

Comprehensive Sing Tao Daily and the Internet media "Hong Kong 01" reported that with the chairman of the Hong Kong University School Committee Wang Peishi and the principal Zhang Xiang, they continued to confront the appointment of the vice president.The investigation team has been established to deal with the incident.

The Li family exceeded Tuesday (June 18) before attending the Executive Council that the investigation team initially discovered that there were three issues in the Hong Kong University of Hong Kong after receiving Zhang Xiang and Wang Pei:Five years, some important positions such as vice presidents for more than five years, or even some positions for four years have changed five people.

Li Jiachao criticized the above situation that was not ideal, "it is impossible to not affect administrative work."He also emphasized the recent storm that if the interests of the University of Hong Kong are the first place, "I can't see anything cannot be solved." This is just a matter of willingness.

For the withdrawal of whether the funding of the storm will be withdrawn, Li Jiachao does not respond positively. It only says that the university will sign an accountability agreement when receiving the funding to ensure that all public crickets are used.The governance and accountability will work actively on the number of related numbers.

Li Jiachao said that the Hong Kong Government will require the investigation team to clearly set up the work for investigations, reiterate the fact that the facts are based on the premise of the Hong Kong and Greater interests, and seek consensus to handle priority as soon as possible.

The University of Hong Kong has recently appointed the appointment of several vice presidents.The source of the Hong Kong University of the Hong Kong University of the Hong Kong University of the Hong Kong University of the Hong Kong University of the Hong Kong University through the current arrangement of a number of vice presidents, but Zhang Xiang then claimed that he was appointed as "unaware" and criticized the school committee "shake the academic autonomous academic and autonomous academic and autonomous academic and autonomous academic universities of Hong Kong.Centennial cornerstone.