The latest survey results of the Hong Kong Bauhinia Research Institute show that more than 60 % of Hong Kong citizens are satisfied with the politics performance of the Chief Executive Li Jiachao.

Comprehensive network media "Hong Kong 01" and Hong Kong Zhongtong reported that the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government has successfully strived for a number of central government's policy of supporting Hong Kong and Hong Kong to promote the interconnection of mainland China and Hong Kong capital markets, strengthen Hong Kong international financeThe role of the center expands the free city of opening the mainland to Hong Kong and Macao. At the same time, in response to public opinion, it is announced that the property market will "withdraw" and suspend the implementation of garbage fees.

The latest public opinion survey released by the Hong Kong Bauhinia Research Institute on Thursday (June 20) showed that 63.1%of the interviewed citizens were satisfied with the policies of the chief executive Li Jiachao.Citizens have 62.5%.

The Hong Kong Government launched the legislative work of Article 23 of the Basic Law this year to maintain the full vote of the National Security Regulations in the Legislative Council.The results of the above polls show that 66.8%of the citizens are satisfied with the performance of the Hong Kong government in maintaining national security.

For the performance of the Hong Kong Government in different policies, the citizens interviewed the most agreed with their housing policies.Since taking office, Li Jiachao has proposed a multi -pronged approach to solve the housing problem, including the first time that the construction of a simple public housing was proposed to fill the gap in short -term public housing supply. Citizens' satisfaction ratio of relevant policies reached 60.5%.

From June 6th to 16th this year, the Bauhinia Research Institute randomly sampled the audio telephone and visited 685 Hong Kong citizens 18 years old or over.The evaluation of the overall performance, the data is weighted by the distribution of gender and age population published by the Statistics Department.