Two Britain of the Hong Kong Court resigned very much. In response, the Barraier Association said that the resignation of overseas judges did not affect the performance of the finals.

Comprehensive Ming Pao and Sing Tao Daily reported that the Barrier Association said on Friday (June 7) that they were deeply regrettable for the resignation of the two.Hong Kong judicial independence has absolute confidence.

The Correspondent Association also stated that they respect their personal decisions and thank them for their contributions to the development of Hong Kong's legal development and the rule of law.

The Hong Kong Lawyer Association also said that the work of the Overseas Council has made great contributions to the work of a very judge. The lawyer will strongly support the reservation of overseas judges in Hong Kong's judicial justice according to the Basic Law.Judicial independence and integrity are full of confidence.

In addition, Zhang Junneng, the chief judge of the Hong Kong Court of Hong Kong, also issued a statement, regretting the resignation of the two.

Zhang Junneng said that judicial institutions are committed to maintaining the rule of law in Hong Kong and an independent judicial system that is guaranteed by the Basic Law.All judges and judicial personnel will continue to adhere to the judicial vows, and strictly maintain judicial justice according to the principles of legal, non -deviating, selflessness, and non -deceiving.

The statement of the Hong Kong judicial institutions said in a statement issued on Thursday (June 6) in the newsletter website of the SAR Government, saying that other ordinary laws in the Final Appeal of the Court of Final Appeal, Lawrence Colls and Jonathan Sumption), Have resigned to the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

According to the British Financial Times, Hao Lianzi explained that he decided to resign due to the political situation of Hong Kong, but he was confident in the Total Independence of the Hong Kong Final Appeal and other judges.Cen Yaoxin told Reuters that he will issue a statement next week.