The unified salary increase of Hong Kong civil servants is lower than the salary adjustment indicator. Liang Jiting, the director of the Hong Kong Civil Service Federation Federation, bluntly disappointed and believes that he may impact the morale of civil servants and continue to lose.

Comprehensive Sing Tao Daily and the Internet media "Hong Kong 01" reported that the Chief Executive of Hong Kong and the Executive Council passed the decision on Tuesday (June 4) to give a unified salary increase to high, medium, and low -levels by 3%.The net salary adjustment indicator is still low.

The Hong Kong Government is still consulting the union and other institutions, hoping to submit the Finance Committee for consideration before the Legislative Meeting Meeting.

Liang Jiting bluntly said that he was disappointed with the decision. He believed that the unified salary increase to high, middle and low -level civil servants would bring great harm to the morale of civil servants, especially grass -roots civil servants.

He explained that the salary of the chief office director of the civil servant is 6065 yuan (Hong Kong dollars, the same below, about S $ 10,300) to 116,165 yuan, and the salary increase of 3The increase of about 1801 yuan to 3494 yuan after %.

But for the middle and low -level civil servants such as assistant documents, their monthly salary is 16695 to 34060 yuan, and the salary increase of 3%is only 501 yuan to 1022 yuan.It is also a salary increase of 3%. Grass -roots civil servants have only increased a salary of several hundred yuan, which is far from the increase of thousands of yuan in senior civil servants.

Liang Zhiting said that insufficient salary increase will not only affect the morale of civil servants, but also cause civil servants to lose talents, especially grass -roots civil servants, and hope that the Hong Kong Government and the Executive Council can re -consider.

According to the preliminary results of the 2024 salary trend survey released by the Hong Kong Salary Trends Investigation Committee earlier, after deducting the increase of salary increase, the net indicators of high, medium and low -level civil servants' salary trends were 4.01%, 4.32%and 4.32%and5.47%.

Yang He Beiyin, director of the Hong Kong Civil Service Bureau, explained on the radio program on Wednesday (June 5) in the morning that civil servants have unified salary increases by 3%, and have comprehensively considered economic growth, living expenses, government finances, and compensation trends.Index, the expectations of the employee, and the morale of civil servants.

She shows that the current fiscal deficit of the Hong Kong government cannot meet the level of net indicators.

But Liang Jiting believes that the Hong Kong government's fiscal deficit should not deduct the salary increase, but should be solved in other methods."" ".

Lin Zhensheng and Zhou Xiaosong of the Hong Kong Labor Legislative Council also disappointed the salary increase.

Lin Zhensheng said that he understands that the Hong Kong government needs to be prudent financial management in the face of fiscal deficits, but the overall vacancy rate of civil servants is as high as 10.3%, and the lack of personnel is about 20,000. The workload of civil servants has continued to increase.The salary of middle and low -level civil servants gradually deviates from the private market level, which is not conducive to the retention and attraction of outstanding talents in the Hong Kong government.