Hong Kong's economic recovery speed is not as good as expected. S & P Global May Hong Kong Purchasing Manager Index (PMI) fell to 49.2, a further decline from 50.6 in April, and fell below the 50 -glory line, reflecting the change of the business environment in Hong Kong, reflecting the changing changes in Hong Kong's business environment.weak.

S & P Global announced on Wednesday (June 5) that due to the decrease in new business, Hong Kong companies have tightened their business activities in May, which has been reduced in production in four months.The decline in output and orders has expanded to the most urgent since October 2022.

The investigation data in May reflects that both from the mainland of China or the new export business overseas have shrunk significantly.The interviewees believe that weak demand is the reason for the decline in exports.

Pan Jingyi, deputy director of the Financial and Economic Research Department of the S & P Global Market, said that PMI shows that Hong Kong's business environment has deteriorated in the middle of the second quarter of this year. This has been revealed as early as last month.Hong Kong's employment has fallen for the first time since November last year, and the output has also been tightened.In addition, the cost of investment continued to rise in May, but the company's first increased production price since March 2022, causing profit pressure.Due to the outlook of lightning, the enterprise is in order to maintain the road, so the cost increases, and it also provides customers with additional discounts.

Pan Jingyi said that as the new order fell to the lowest 20 months in May, the forward -looking indicators including the new order index and the backlog work index all indicated that the recent operating environment in Hong Kong is likely to continue to be sluggish.

Qiu Yinghua, the director of business and economic development, acknowledged that in recent years, in recent years, the consumption model of citizens and visitors to Hong Kong has continued to change, which has brought challenges to small and medium -sized enterprises operating the retail industry.The Hong Kong Government has launched a number of measures for support. Among them, the 100 % special guarantee products launched by SME financing guarantee plans to provide special low -interest loans for small and medium -sized enterprises. As of the end of March this yearSingapore) Loan, more than 6,000 retail companies and nearly 5.3 employees benefit.In addition, the official has also launched the market promotion fund of SMEs and launched a digital transformation support pilot program.

Qiu Yinghua said that according to data from the real estate service agency in the workshop, the vacancy rate of Hong Kong Street has improved from 18.3%in the third quarter of 2020 to 6.6%of the first quarter of this year.6.6%.

He believes that with the recovery of Hong Kong's economic recovery and the increase in tourists visiting Hong Kong, Hong Kong's retail industry will have greater recovery.The official has arranged meetings with the retail industry to understand the industry's needs.

However, Li Zhaobo, a honorary teaching and researcher at the Asia -Pacific Business Institute of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, believed that in a joint visit to Lianhe Morning Post, many Hong Kong people went north after the epidemic, which led to a closure of the Hong Kong retail market.Recently, Hong Kong has promoted good customers, but this is just the basic service requirements.He is not very optimistic about the Hong Kong roads will improve in the short term.

Li Zhaobo said that the Hong Kong economy has recovered slowly in the past year and its business environment is weak. To a certain extent, it is related to the high interest rate environment of banks."Due to the interest rate hike in the United States, Hong Kong businessmen would rather put the money in the bank for regular deposits, which can receive interest of three or four centimeters (3%to 4%). The return rate is higher than the investment project."

He pointed out that the high business cost of Hong Kong, coupled with many political turmoil in Hong Kong in recent years, has more or less impact on enterprises.Only in Hong Kong can focus on developing the economy only as soon as possible to get rid of all political tangles.