EU officials told Chinese car manufacturers on Monday (June 3) that the European Executive Committee is expected to impose temporary tariffs on electric vehicles made from Chinese manufacturing from July 4.

The South China Morning Post reported on Tuesday (June 4) that the EU's survey of subsidies for the Chinese electric vehicle industry may lead to new cracks in the already intense Sino -European relations.The European Executive Committee is expected to notify each company next week that companies will be applied to the level of import tariffs.

The report quoted people familiar with the matter and said that a Chinese Automobile Manufacturers Association on Monday in Brussels and the European Union's trading department held a hearing.At the hearing, Chinese companies were told that they were expected to levy temporary tariffs on July 4, but did not disclose the tariff rate.

It is reported that the affected Chinese enterprises have obviously decided to seek legal consultation on the Taxation rate of the European Union's practice in accordance with the European Union's practice, that is, to report the tariff rate without the tariffs.

Earlier, the tax rate is expected to be announced on Wednesday (June 5).After July 4, the European Executive Committee negotiated with member states for four months to turn temporary tariffs into permanent tariffs.

In October last year, the European Union launched an anti -subsidy survey against Chinese electric vehicles and conducted sampling surveys of the three Chinese companies.The EU will decide whether to impose tariffs based on the results of the investigation.The incident was angered Beijing and led the discussion about Sino -Europe relations for several months.

Earlier, according to the European version of the Politico European version of Politico reported on May 2, the Executive Vice Chairman of the European Executive Committee and Trade Commissioner East Brovsky saidThe start -up anti -subsidy survey is progressing, and he hinted that the EU may issue tariffs on anti -subsidy before this summer.