The Hong Kong government announced on Thursday (June 6) that it plans to launch 10 smoke control measures, including comprehensive ban on electronic cigarettes, heating smoke, and smoking when the public is prohibited. I hope to reduce the smoking rate to 7.8%next year and achieve "No tobacco Hong Kong. "

Other tobacco control measures include: prohibit providing tobacco products to minors; expand the smoking restricted area to the designated scope of the entrance and exit of children's centers, schools, elderly homes, and public medical facilities;(S $ 517).

The Hong Kong Government also plans to introduce the tax -to -cigarette label system to build system identification and tax -finished cigarette products; if the price of tobacco products is lower than the tax finished product, the retailer has the responsibility to prove that the product has been paid.

Officials also suggested that the punishment of increasing tax cigarettes was increased to Hong Kong dollars and seven years of imprisonment, and it was included in organizational and serious crimes regulations.The Hong Kong Government will also prohibit the sale of flavor smoke or fruit smoke such as mint to smoke, implement full smoke -wagging warning packaging, viewing tobacco taxes, and strengthening smoking cessation services and promoting education.

Lu Chongmao, director of the Hong Kong Medical and Health Bureau, said at a press conference that he will strive to submit relevant amendments to the Legislative Council at the end of this year, hoping that this legislation can pass.The official will take results in the mid -term review measures in 2026, and in the long run, more far -reaching measures will be discussed, the goal is to create a "smoke -free Hong Kong".

Lu Chongmao pointed out that one of the two long -term smokers in Hong Kong died early.The Hong Kong Government consults the public in the third quarter of last year. The results showed that more than 90 % of the respondents supported further reducing the smoking rate.

He said that the smoking rate in Hong Kong has dropped from 23.3%in the 1980s to 9.1%in 2023, that is, nearly 580,000 people suck traditional smoke each, with an average of 12 a day.However, the official cannot be satisfied because of this, and it is more controlled by cigarettes. The goal is to reduce the smoking rate in 2025 to 7.8%.

When asked if the smoking ban will limit the freedom of citizens, Lu Paimao emphasized that the "smoke" of Chinese characters is like a smoker being trapped in it, because nicotine will make people addicted, and the addiction makes the smokers lose their choice of freedom. Therefore,In the past, the freedom of smoking non -smoking was limited.He believes that the smokers have the freedom to choose from under the smoking ban.

Hong Kong's social response has different responses to the Hong Kong government.Many citizens support new measures and believe that daily life will be affected by second -hand smoke from time to time. Smoking behaviors will be prohibited when queuing, which will help ensure the health of non -smokers.However, some smokers believe that the prohibition of products such as electronic cigarettes and smoke will exploit the freedom of smokers and describe the government to "kill them."

Lin Changfu, the chairman of the Hong Kong and Trafficking Association, said that there were no opinions on the Hong Kong government's increase in smoking forbidden areas and prohibiting smoking when queuing.

Lin Changfu is also worried that Hong Kong's reporting to trafficking is too old. If it is implemented, it may mess up with different brands when selling all -cigarette warning packaging and selling smoke, which will affect their business.

Liang Yongle, a parent -child education consultant in Hong Kong, said in an interview with Lianhe Zaobao that the Hong Kong government is welcome to launch 10 smoke control measures in the short term, which believes that this will help further reduce Hong Kong's smoking rate.

Liang Yongle pointed out that according to his observations, many teenagers smoke by star idols or peers. The Hong Kong government should strengthen promotion in school in the future to remind students to smoke the harm.He believes that officials can consider imitating foreign practices, stipulating that people born in a certain year or later cannot buy smoke for life, allowing Hong Kong to cultivate smoke -free generations.